Hottest day you've ridden recentley - well, at least the hottest day since you last changed out the clutch fluid?
Usually find an air bubble has accumulated up next to the banjo bolt at the handlebar reservoir.
Burp it there BEFORE you bleed all the way down to the slave cylinder, and you'll have much better luck getting the air all the way out
IMO - hotter temps means thinner brake fluid and hence the air separates out of it and rises up until a bubble forms. You wouldn't even notice the air in the system on a cooler day cause it didn't all get together into the bigger bubble until the higher outside temps.
I've had that problem in the past. Rebuilt the master cylinder, re-bled the whole system ONLY TO HAVE A RECURRANCE a short time later. I still use DOT 3 fluid as did Yamaha when the sold this bike to me. Maybe the newer fluids don't incur this problem??????? The only long-term fix I found for mine was letting that air bubble out at the banjo bolt where it attaches to the master.
Just my two cents.