So Why No More HMFs?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Spacecoast, FL
Pardon if this has already been discussed at length, but the Search ain't pulling up anything in the forum. From what I can tell from the YouTube vids, they sounded absofrickinly wicked! Why did HMF stop making their "2D9S" exhaust? Or are they still being made and being sold elsewhere other than SportMax and Wild Bros?
Because there's no money in it due to the small number of Vmaxes. Same deal with Two Brothers exhaust.
As Mark said there was such a small market that the manufacturer could not make them cost effective enough. I do know that you can possibly have one made for you as a"one off" if you contact Mario.
As Mark said there was such a small market that the manufacturer could not make them cost effective enough. I do know that you can possibly have one made for you as a"one off" if you contact Mario.
hmmmmmmmmm:hmmm: good 'ol mario, hehehe

I read that a guy had to take his off b/c of some local noise ordinance. Are they that loud? How do they compare in performance AND in volume to the popular ones that folks here are putting in (e.g., Marks, Kerkers, Supertrapps, etc).
They aren't that loud at all in my opinion. No more then a Marks system
They have a very nice deep tone and I didn't find the one I owned that loud at all. Actually I know where there is one, new in the box and never been on a bike....... The gent is a member here, but has been having problems with the site not loading so he may not have seen this thread yet. I believe it has 12" round carbon fibre cans with straight out tips, but don't hold me to that. If you are interested let me know and I will give him a call and have him contact you.
I have the HMF full system with carbon fiber cans and I really like it. I think they are a little louder then Dale Walkers hole shot exhaust, but not by much. I like it also because it's different then everyone's exhaust, most have Hole shot or Marks.
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I have the HMF system on my max - they actually came from a swap between Jim (Thevmaxrider) and myself - I had a Kerker 4-2-1 system with Scorpion can.

I like the HMF system better for a deeper sound and the 2 mufflers suites the cruiser Vmax look better IMO. It is louder than the Kerker set up that I had.


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