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  1. Rusty McNeil

    Cut away wheels

    Shawn, I noticed in one of the pics you posted that you removed the center "connecting" pieces on your factory front wheel. That is something I have been considering doing for quite awhile that I have'nt seen before so I was surprised to see that someone else had done it. I like how it looks...
  2. Rusty McNeil

    RC Components Wheels

    I accidentally ran across another vendor for RC Components wheels that seems to have prices competitive or maybe better than the Vmax specific vendors we all know about........ http://www.backyardperformance.com/index.shtml $850 for a 17" rear wheel.....
  3. Buster Hymen

    Hubless wheels

    Can anyone explain how these hubless wheels work. Apparently the braking system is built into it also.
  4. firefly

    Speedo gearpart # for 17 inch wheels

    I got it from Ronayers.com for $28.04 part # 4HM-25190-20-00 this corrects the high speedometer reading after installing 17 inch wheels, also something to be aware of that using the stock speedo gear with a 17 inch wheel will result in false miles accumulation as it will count miles faster than...
  5. firefly

    cleaning the wheels

    The wheels are a pain to clean for me, so yesterday I tried a paper towel with some marvel mystery oil and was amazed how easily it removed the dirt, I think WD-40 will do the same but be careful not to get it on the brake rotors. I just hate cleaning the bike.