One has to keep in mind that this bike has been on the street for a whole 8 months avg., including winter in the midst. I didn't get my bike till January. Few vendors for performance have gotten into the 09 field yet. I'm sure there'll be quite a few more 'tricks' for the 09 to come out in the future. The 09 was pi$$'d on before it hit the street. So far, many have been wrong about it. Don't get me wrong, some also worshiped the thing like it was going to be more than what it was, also.
Yes, shockingly to me, BMW may be the big boy on the block to beat. Thought that it was kind of neat to see them coming out with their new scooter. Time will till how it truly handles.
I seen an article where someone did over 200hp.
I did 171 on my bike, then it was cut off. What other bikes have limiters to cut off the eng before peak hp, or limits top speed in the quarter? When I get by my limiter, I'll prob get close to 180. That's before an x pipe and a couple other do dads. I'm still watching to see whats best, performance and price wise. Max hp with the limiter, will prob never get past 174 off the show room floor.
I imagine insurance, and marketing allowed worldwide, is the reasoning behind the detuning and limiting. It's up to the individuals to wake it back up.
I understand that there was a larger engine build for the Max, then the 1700 was chosen. Lots of stories on that.
I want 190 to the rear, myself. I'm light compared to most, so I have that to start with. I also want the hp that I can drive on the street, not fear the bike, and be able to keep a back tire for a good number of miles.
I am liking this bike more and more. Didn't really care for it at first. It was ok to me. Too usest to my oldie. I did around a 1k miles over the last few days. Went on a short vacation. This bike purred 80-95(+) without a hick up. I had my wife, plus 50 lbs of freight on board. I'm really proud of this thing. My cheeks were sore, and my wife can't walk now (She's not a real biker babe.), but I'm getting in a different seat shipped in tomorrow that may cure that. I couldn't begin to carry the load I did, ride fairly comfortably on the highway, pass at about any time I chose (two lane), romp around town, keeping up with the crowd, with a rocket bike. The 09 is a unique bike. Just gotta find a way to get foot pegs on the thing without them looking like Fido's butt. Is there a genius out there ready to makes some bucks:ummm: