135bhp ufo and morely max!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2011
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Just got my bike back from tim blakemoore racing. After initially only making a feeble 90hp, two carb diaphrams, a full dragster system and a morleys muscle kit later I have a 135hp monster! I honestly can't believe the difference. It nearly pulled my arms off! It's making more power than my 900 fireblade! wow:punk:
Wow, that's really high for exhaust/carb kit. Typically 125rwhp is considered a good number.
I can't believe it myself! I will be posting my dynograph to prove it soon though. Not sure if shell v power fuel made any difference but I'm mighty impressed!
How much was the muscle kit?? **** my bike has 6200 into the motor and it only has 135RWHP. I think once I get the muscle kit its gonna scream!
WOWZERS!! I will be getting the UFO 4-1 DragStar and a Morely kit too, eventually. Nice to see numbers posted on the setup
Don't forget that there will be discrepancies amongst Dyno's.

Certainly not bashing the results at all but one dyno's result may yield a different reading on another machine.
I always tend to think that no matter which machine has been used, stick with it as if a change you make on the bike shows a 3hp gain for example then it probably is, ignoring the final reading.
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Don't forget that there will be discrepancies amongst Dyno's.

Certainly not bashing the results at all but one dyno's result may yield a different reading on another machine.
I always tend to think that no matter which machine has been used, stick with it as if a change you make on the bike shows a 3hp gain for example then it probably is, ignoring the final reading.

There was some question abouit the dyno used when my 89 made 126 HP but it really feels that much stronger than my 94.
I tuned both and what you say about using the same dyno makes a lot of good sense...
Don't forget that there will be discrepancies amongst Dyno's.

Certainly not bashing the results at all but one dyno's result may yield a different reading on another machine.
I always tend to think that no matter which machine has been used, stick with it as if a change you make on the bike shows a 3hp gain for example then it probably is, ignoring the final reading.

+ 1 im not bashing either and am glad your bike is running good but it sounds like a happy dyno to me.
He asked for the "happy ending!" :biglaugh: That's what he got after they 'massaged' it.

You been watching the "client list" Kyle or did your time in Houston give you personal experience in these matters?

It wasn't an Asian DynoJet Shop was it?
WOW Morley Kit and UFO together at last to bad the dont get along as well as there parts do!!! LOL
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Curious what a different dyno would read....Had a buddy who owned a dyno and would turn the "money knob" a little to make people happy after a tune....just sayin. If you're makin 135 at the wheel, that's pretty damn healthy
I must admit it does sound high. But on the other hand, when I took my old fireblade there it was within 3bhp of what the previous owners dyno ran gave. As soon as I repair my scanner I'll post my graph.

I took the max out for it's first proper run today and nothing got close to it on a straight. It has amazed me for a bike of this style. Shame really as I bought it hoping to slow myself down after years of liter superbikes!
You been watching the "client list" Kyle or did your time in Houston give you personal experience in these matters?

It wasn't an Asian DynoJet Shop was it?
Im not the one that said anything about the Happy endings you have to talk to Phillip about that. I do have personal experiance with a lot of diffrent Vmax's on Dynos
I bought it hoping to slow myself down after years of liter superbikes!

Hah, I did the same thing almost 10 years ago when I got my first max! I figured I'd get a bike that could be fun, but wouldnt beg to be ridden like a F1 car all the time. I was getting waaay too comfortable on my liter bikes. Always going through the gears, wheelies, stoppies, even hit the rev limiter in 6th several times! Can you say damn near 200MPH! I figured that sooner or later I was going to get myself in big trouble or dead, so I decided to get a max in hopes that it would slow me down. Now all I have is a bike that is equally fast and equally tempting to go fast all the time, but it doesnt stop or turn nearly as good as my liter bikes! Great!
Much cooler bike than the liter bikes though...
still looking for a dyno graph. not that it cant happen but ppl have struggled to get over 127+ hp. i just cant believe it untill ive seen it. you hit the magic combo...
