define poor mileage? just about to replace my rear @ 7k miles. front is still 'good' but the cracks have me thinking about replacing it. plus the runout.
very well could be. one thing i will say though, is that mine looked pretty well getting there at like 3k, but then it looked the same for the next 2k miles.
Maybe it will surprise me and the second half will wear better?? Who knows. I am a shinko virgin so I'm not sure what to expect till it's all over, LOL. I know the first 1500 miles wore a **** ton of tread off of the tire tho'. I haven't been riding much at all so I'm sure it will be good till next year. Hopefully things fall into place and you can see it for yourself over a fatbag, LOL. Hopeful, but doubtful that will happen
Poor mileage as in I have just under 2K on my shinko's and I don't see it lasting another 2K. Talking the rear only, the front is fine.
I don't do burnouts. I don't do much highway. Only thing I can come up with is that my friends say that when I hammer it, they can see the rear spinning even though I never notice it. :confused2:
mmmm fatbags....
but yea, hopefully u can make it uip. we'll have to get a list of the guys who are meeting @ my folks house (anyone coming from south of governeur)...
i am but coming from buffalo then syracuse, might spend the night there. guess you mean more the guys coming from utica right???
Removed, due to question already answered.I'm considering the Bridgestone 170/80 15 rear tire and from what I've heard, I'll need to do the washer swap.
Two questions: Can the Bridgestone fit the rear after the mod (or are all 170/80 tire brands the same), and last but not least: are there any downsides of moving the washer? Will handling be any different?
Thank you! I'm going to do this before I take in my new tires to get mounted. Do I need to tell my mechanic this has been done so it gets reassembled correctly?