6/20/2011 - National ride to work day ends badly

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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New York
I guess this is what you call irony. A day designed specifically to raise motorcycle awareness;

Starts like this.

Ends like this.

Rear ended less than 1/4 mile from home at 8pm after a 12 hour day in the office.

I was stopped at a light behind a line of cars. All of the sudden BAM!!!. The car behind me apparently did not see the long line of cars and the red light slammed into me sending me into the car in front. All I remember is barrel rolling trying to get back on my feet. I landed on the opposite side of the two lane street, leaning against a parked car trying to get my helmet off. Hobbled over to the grass and made sure everything was still attached.

I was immediately surrounded by people offering to help. Ambulance showed up in 10 minutes, looked at me, looked at my gear and we left to the hospital. Luckily my head didn't hit anything. I was wearing an armored jacket and backpack with all my **** in it, boots, fullface, and gloves. I must have landed on my back because the laptops lid has a nick down to the metal.

The women that hit me, her excuse to me was "I had a long day at work". Excuse to my wife "sorry I rear ended your husband".

3 hours in the ER I was let go, nothing broken just banged up. Left hip bruised, left elbow, and quarter size road rash on my shin. Glad it wasn't worse but the wife's pissed and no more motorcycles.

Going to get the accident report tomorrow and put in a claim for the bike. Talking to the tow company they think its totalled.

Be safe out there guys and for the cagers, keep your eyes open.
Glad to hear you are ok man. Sucks you lost the bike and the wife says no more bikes.
Wow, sounds like you got lucky. I know its hard to think of it that way but in reality, very lucky.

Hoping two things happen for you

1. you get a nice check from the insurance co
2. your wife changes her mind

Both things may take some time but are definitely possible. Good Luck!
Geez! Glad you're safe. That's always my biggest fear, getting rear-ended at a stop, I am constantly watching my mirrors. I hope your wife changes her mind, I would probably be in a similar situation if anything ever happened to me like that. Once again, at least you're ok!
I cant fault the wife. I bought my first bike behind her and my families back and its been causing tension ever since. My parents were never happy with me riding and neither was my wife. I guess it was only a matter of time like they say and im glad it was relatively minor because it could have been worse.

I need to let things cool off for a while and then approach the topic of riding again, definitely not right now.

I am not so much upset that I went down, I am more upset the bike is destroyed. I feel like an artist whose work was finally done only to be destroyed before he got to fully enjoy it.
Glad it was not worse. Hopefully you can get another bike. You dont quit driving cars because you have wrecks get another bike.

+2! I was T-boned back in 2005 by an 83 year old lady driving a Grand Marquis! Crushed my left foot and ankle with 4 fractures and luckily I didn't need any pins or surgery, some pretty good road rash on both arms too, that was on my 94 GSXR1100. Took me awhile before I could afford another one but here I am back at it and wouldn't have it any other way!
Its good to see another rider make it out ok.

As for your wife and wifes family I dont agree with them not liking the fact that you ride.
Geez! Glad you're safe. That's always my biggest fear, getting rear-ended at a stop, I am constantly watching my mirrors.
You (and your family, of course) were very fortunate that you were not
hurt - and the bike can be replaced.
I second scammer's opinion - being butt-ended at a stop, on a bike or in a car. If time and circumstances allow, I try to "read" the driver of the car following me, using the rear-views, before coming to the light or stop sign. Sometimes obvious warning signals go up. These include very elderly driver, distracted driver(cell phone or texting), testosterone overload (cage full of young'ins, and the worse nightmare to have following you, The Tailgater.
If I think I've got a potential problem behind me, I'll pull over as soon as possible , and let them go by. This applies to highway or city driving. If I can't do this, and am approaching a stop, I'll purposely slow down and start flashing my brake lights, well before the stop. This may piss them off(especially the tailgater), but at least I have got their attention.
Other than that, I have installed a second taillight, and also have the upper one on a Custom Dynamics brake light flasher.
What else can a person do to avoid being bitten in the rear?:ummm: I'd like to hear other ideas.
Cheers, and be safe. Miles
Glad to hear your OK. Bike can always be replaced, maybe a gen 2. I am always looking out for people up here in Sedona as most are tourists with thier head out the window or up thier A--. Just proves good equipment always helps.
Glad to hear you're OK.
It sucks about your Bike but the fact that you walked away is what really matters.
It may take a while but the "Riding Bug" Never completely leaves us, so you will probably end up with a new Bike eventually.
Really glad to hear you were able to 'hobble' away afterwards Sam, it doesn't always work out that way.

As for the wife...maybe it was her reaction to the bad scare she must have gotten, perhaps she'll change her mind.

Sorry about your bike, they are pretty easy to replace tho.
That sucks. I think about that very thing happening every time I stop behind a car in traffic.

FWIW, and I hope you can take this in the spirit is is delivered, I'm sorry your bike was a causality, but don't let your balls be a casualty as well. Be responsible (get enough life insurance to take care of your family if you meet an untimely death), but under no circumstances surrender who you are as a man to make your wife "happy", because you'll ultimately end up with the exact opposite. You will grow to resent her, and what she really wants, no matter she says, is a man she looks up to and respects more than one who tries to placate her at the expense of his soul. If who you are as a man is someone who rides motorcycles, you've got to be that man.
Glad you're alright Sam. Like everone has said, the bike can be fixed or replaced. I hope the wife cools off, and she might, over time.