The myth stems from the fact the '85 had a louder (as in not meeting highway noise requirements) and less restrictive exhaust. This was revised for '86 up.
To compensate, the v-boost tubes got 2mm larger in diameter. Peak power was unchanged(145hp, or ~112 at the tire), though now it occurred at a slightly lower RPM than it did on the '85 bike.
European models lacked v-boost and thus only had like ~90ish hp, to comply with the 100hp restriction.
Japanese models lacked v-boost, and also had a speed limiter(built into the speedometer) that cut ignition to 2 cylinders at 180km/h (112mi/h), per Japanese federal regulation. This is easy to disable though, IIRC you just have to either cut a wire, or short two together since it's essentially just a switch that is tripped by the speedo needle.
I think I'll add this to the FAQ.....