Not quite as bad as the Republican convention where the men and women defending this country were not even mentioned.
That was truly disgusting!
No manufactured outrage....just the truth.
Trying to compare some knuckleheads mistake in a Powerpoint presentation that showed Russian ships and US planes, to an entire convention with everybody talking about themselves and never a word about the war or the troops is ridiculous.
I watched the entire convention......not a word except a brief mention by John McCain.
Clueless self centered, disgraceful people!
Oh those dirty, nasty Rethuglicans. You'd think they'd know better, given that 75% of military personnel vote for them over the Democrats. They didn't talk about baseball, hot dogs, or mom's apple pie, either. Why do they hate America?
You've changed my mind with your searing logic.
Oh, those planes are F-5s (too short forward of the intakes to be T-38s). Built by Northrop. Only operated by the US military as aggressors, but they were exported to many of our allies (in fact, South Vietnam was operating them when the Democrats voted to defund the fight against the North Vietnamese). That makes them foreign military, too. But hey, at least they aren't our enemy's hardware, like the ships.
That was with veterans included, not just actives. I specifically did not say veterans. There are lots of older veterans who vote for Dems, because they are holdovers from time when there were such things as good Dems (like Sam Nunn, Zell Miller, etc.).Actually the FACTS are McCain got 55% of the Military/Veteran vote to Obama's 45%.
Won't be as close this year.....Romney will get less (unless one of his 5 sons enlists between now and the election :rofl_200.
I think the elephant in the room here is that nobody who has testicles and is over the age of 15 gives a **** about Twitter.
SHOCK! AWE! HORROR! Sometimes when meeting with foreign diplomats foreign customs are observed out of respect.
Yes that is two straight men kissing. Yes one is a Saudi king. Yes another is former President Bush. Different meanings in different cultures.
Eisenhower bowed before De Gaulle (a Frenchman!), and Nixon bowed before Emperor Hirohito (who'd ordered the bombing of Pearl Harbor).
Just going to leave this here regarding the last couple days of both campaigns screwing the pooch royal.
Hey guys? Let's go ride bikes.
Yes but the focus wasn't the rioting it was the reaction and political gain before responsible action.
Thank you ! I dont know why people refuse to believe the words out of his own mouth.I rest my case.