Video has been removed. Turns out I jumped the gun, wasnt supposed to post yet. Sorry guys, but will repost once I get the go ahead from Yamaha!
Video has been removed. Turns out I jumped the gun, wasnt supposed to post yet. Sorry guys, but will repost once I get the go ahead from Yamaha!
Damnn....missed it! :damn angry:
Least I got the Cycle Canada ad first. :biglaugh:
Dale #2592
CRAPO!! Me too!! :bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head:
Ok, I seen it, so here is a play by play of it;
Jim while standing beside Toxic at the drag strip says, "This is my Yamaha!" - than it cuts to the dragstrip as Jim makes a quarter mile pass, vroom, vrooom, vrooooom - than it cut to a close up of Jim and he says while pointing to the camera, "What is your Yamaha!!!" - than the camera fades out.
Hopefully, this will help give a visual for those that missed the commercial.
I got it Mike....thanks!! One question....did he redlight? :rofl_200:
I think he did, but they covered it up by showing the video from the opposite angle. :confused2: