Happened to run across this yesterday. Has to do with Uncle Binny. Ck it out.
Happened to run across this yesterday. Has to do with Uncle Binny. Ck it out.
I mentioned before of a news email I received a couple years ago. It mentioned of the Russians discovering fossil fuels weren't. Just happened to think of it this eve and quickly found these sites. Not only is the make up of oil interesting, but the carbon thing, also. I think we've royally been zoomed.
Got this in an email this morn. Kinda goes with this subject. Compressed air car.
And that's how and why governments do what they do, to keep those in power in their position and the rest of us in ours. They sometimes are not to subtle in their methods to maintain this balance, you just have to look past the gloss of the news outlets and the pitchmen/ politicians.
Absolutely. Again, every aspect of our lives revolves around oil, like it or not. Why did we back the Muj in Afghanistan back in the 80's? Because the Russians had their sights set on a strategy to control oil flowing out of that region. That doesn't just hamper a war machine relying on oil, it throws on the brakes that crush the profitability of a capitalist society (either those selling OR buying oil). We turned that around on them by providing the means of destroying their planes, attack helicopters etc. A very costly campaign that they threw in the towel on.Is it fair to say that there is a greater probability of US military intervention in countries with oil reserves over those that have none? It was stated in this thread that the US sat out Rwanda and Cambodia.
Thank-you for you opinion on where you'd spend your nation's money. That's all I was wondering. We will have to agree to disagree on the best place to spend our tax money both as a couple of individuals as two different nations. I would choose to care for my own over an idea that military efforts overseas might somehow protect me at home.
I will also have to disagree on a "right military target". It has been proven that terrorist cells don't occupy any one region. 9 years trying to find Bin Laden should prove this. He could just as easily be hiding in Pakistan as Afghanistan. There's a lot of countries where he could hide and Al Quiada has continued to strike in spite of occupations in the Middle East.
I've enjoyed our debate!
I too have enjoyed the debate Blaine, and that you have had the fortitude to not become overly emotional on a very emotional topic.
I regards to finding Bin Laden, that would not stop Al Quiada, or Wahabism. Terror is not the cause of one persons actions, but of a movement. I disagree that it will only anger and increase the numbers of terrorists if we engage them with force. We stopped this crap in the Philippines effectively decades ago because we matched or exceeded the vicious tactics of our adversary the Moro Islamic fanatics. As they say, they stopped when they feared us more than they hated us.
I believe the real question is whether we are willing to do what it takes to win against terror, and currently we do not. I read an article after 9/11 where a pundit made the point that when we are struck with, for example, a nuclear device that was smuggled over our non-existant southern border our sleeping public would wake up to exactly what we are dealing with and approve of the necessary actions. We shall see. Wahabism is not the result of a bunch of pawns that want to live and let live.
Our military actions are as always a political war instead of an effective war of strategy.
Are the new bulbs more energy efficient? Generally yes.Got this in an email this eve. It has TX Rep Poe talking about those merc bulbs. Too funny.
As did IYou ain't a chit'n, 85. Don't havta convince me. EGore and Soros prob have stock in these Chinese made bulbs. The EPA prob won't allow them to be made here. Don't laugh but I bought a sack full of std bulbs already, just in case this ignorant law isn't changed.