An introduction....... of sorts

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You could try leaving a UPS box on the front porch with a Morley address label.
Hook it up the ol' stick and string method and hope.

That little primate may just be curious enough to investigate.
Maybe I missed it somewhere in this thread but, where do I send my second mortgage loan application again?:confused2:

Don't worry, we have a finance department!

As for the rest of you, good luck taking out me or my organization:biglaugh: We are prepared for anything, even have Monkey's that are trained to get into wallets of the tightest folks around, usuallly Scotsman, but hey we just practice. Oh yeah, and the old "Bait and switch", no worries we have a counter for that one:punk:

Mod Monkey
EST. 1985
they r getting us from all angles fellows, my old lady made me spend almost 5 hundred dollars on mods just today!!!!!!!!!! sh##%&&$$$^$%$$^&t . we need to round up a possy, and go hunting for real.
damn you mod monkeys!!! how did you convince me that doing a hayabusa brake upgrade, new forks springs, carb cleaning, and a valvle adjustment all at the same time would be a good idea? and in the living room of my condo to boot! by the time I'm done you better be gone for at leas t a month!
damn you mod monkeys!!! how did you convince me that doing a hayabusa brake upgrade, new forks springs, carb cleaning, and a valvle adjustment all at the same time would be a good idea? and in the living room of my condo to boot! by the time I'm done you better be gone for at leas t a month!

While you are at it might we suggest solid motor mounts and new rear shocks...... just a suggestion of course:eusa_dance:

Mod Monkey
EST. 1985
True story here guys!!!

Went to the bank yesterday with the check from the sale of my Sportmax seat (Thanks again Bob) and there were THREE of the furry little guys crouched on the tellers counter.

I reached for the deposit tickets in the hopes of putting the money in a savings account, at least one step removed from the 'monkey team'! The leader ripped the deposit slips out of my hand and they rushed out the door laughing!!

I was left with no choice but to take cash, which of course, makes me a prime target for this particular band of renegade rovers.....I'm sure they're renegades cause I didn't recognize any from my own personal team!

So I have to be extra alert for awhile.....but the main point here is that the girls at the bank never blinked an eye while all this activity was going on!!

I don't think ordinary 'civilians' can see these little buggers!
HOLY CRAP!!! You have a very rare stealth Max that we seem to be having problems finding. No worries we now know who you are and a troop of Monkey's is on the way to SW. Missouri. Please be advised that we have raised our alert level to RED as far as you are concerned and this situation will be dealt with accordingly!!

Mod Monkey
EST. 1985

Should be interesting. I have 14 cats and 3 dogs (all over 100lbs) running loose around here. First they bring home small mice, then larger mice and voles (field mice), then small bunnies, and lately they are bringing home larger animals such as opposums and raccoons.

A mod monkey or three should make for good hunting practice for them. But I'll admit, I hate it when they leave the stinking guts at the doorstep. It can be pretty messy. I hope mod monkeys don't have too many guts. :ummm:
Should be interesting. I have 14 cats and 3 dogs (all over 100lbs) running loose around here. First they bring home small mice, then larger mice and voles (field mice), then small bunnies, and lately they are bringing home larger animals such as opposums and raccoons.

A mod monkey or three should make for good hunting practice for them. But I'll admit, I hate it when they leave the stinking guts at the doorstep. It can be pretty messy. I hope mod monkeys don't have too many guts. :ummm:

Let me know if your pack is successful as I need to build my own if they are. Don't think you will have a "guts" problem as I believe that they are gutless, or at the very least heartless!!:rofl_200:
Let me know if your pack is successful as I need to build my own if they are. Don't think you will have a "guts" problem as I believe that they are gutless, or at the very least heartless!!:rofl_200:

Gutless, NOT, sneaky, YES, heartless, hmmmm that one might be true, but not confirmed.

The aerial assault in SW Missouri, otherwise known as Operation Wallet Drop, begins tonight........ Been a while since we got our Monkey hands on virgin Vmax:clapping: Have reminded our troops to deploy catnip and steaks to distract the enemy....... nuf said as I would be giving away "state secrets" should I continue.....

Mod Monkey
EST. 1985
Gutless, NOT, sneaky, YES, heartless, hmmmm that one might be true, but not confirmed.

The aerial assault in SW Missouri, otherwise known as Operation Wallet Drop, begins tonight........ Been a while since we got our Monkey hands on virgin Vmax:clapping: Have reminded our troops to deploy catnip and steaks to distract the enemy....... nuf said as I would be giving away "state secrets" should I continue.....

Mod Monkey
EST. 1985

"Operation Wallet Drop"!!! Keerist, the little **** isn't even attempting to disguise his selfish, evil intentions!!

And to think, I was even considering making friends with the hopes of being spared!! I see THAT'S out of the question!! :damn angry:
"Operation Wallet Drop"!!! Keerist, the little **** isn't even attempting to disguise his selfish, evil intentions!!

And to think, I was even considering making friends with the
hopes of being spared!! I see THAT'S out of the question!! :damn angry:

Now, now sir... the Mod Monkey and our Executive Board (MMRB) are friends with everyone, because only a TRUE friend can get you to spend the kind of cashola that we can get you to. Also, remember we don't just focus on cash expenditures, there is the visual quality, performance improvement, AND originality that are MUCH more important than how much you spend. We truly believe that you can be thrifty and still appease us.:punk:

We are in negotiations right now to begin a contest right here on this website where we, the MMRB, will accept entries into the Monkey of the Month contest. Once we hash out a few details, like getting the mods and owner of this site to bend to our will, details will be announced.

Mod Monkey
EST. 1985
Should be interesting. I have 14 cats and 3 dogs (all over 100lbs) running loose around here. First they bring home small mice, then larger mice and voles (field mice), then small bunnies, and lately they are bringing home larger animals such as opposums and raccoons.

A mod monkey or three should make for good hunting practice for them. But I'll admit, I hate it when they leave the stinking guts at the doorstep. It can be pretty messy. I hope mod monkeys don't have too many guts. :ummm:

Damn, 14 100+ pounds cats.... I feel sorry for your dogs...:rofl_200:
Damn, 14 100+ pounds cats.... I feel sorry for your dogs...:rofl_200:

Don't be confused with my inability to articulate through keyboards. ONLY the dogs are over 100 lbs each. I assure you, and the Mod Monkey - all 14 cats are lean & mean. I'm not sure if they all even like catnip or not.

As for the steaks - bring em! That will just get the dogs all worked up and even more in a licking frenzy - which will ensure they jump up on you, drop you to the ground, and overcome you with licking. That's what they do to all strangers - even without the yummy steak offerings.

:bang head::bang head: Awwwww f*#k! I just thought of something. I am scheduled to have my Rune up at Darren's shop Saturday afternoon - we are modding the rear sub-frame to make room for the 205/50-17 car tire.

You don't supposeeeeee...........................................awwwww f*#K! :confused2:
Don't be confused with my inability to articulate through keyboards. ONLY the dogs are over 100 lbs each. I assure you, and the Mod Monkey - all 14 cats are lean & mean. I'm not sure if they all even like catnip or not.

As for the steaks - bring em! That will just get the dogs all worked up and even more in a licking frenzy - which will ensure they jump up on you, drop you to the ground, and overcome you with licking. That's what they do to all strangers - even without the yummy steak offerings.

:bang head::bang head: Awwwww f*#k! I just thought of something. I am scheduled to have my Rune up at Darren's shop Saturday afternoon - we are modding the rear sub-frame to make room for the 205/50-17 car tire.

You don't supposeeeeee...........................................awwwww f*#K! :confused2:

NAH!! Just a coincidence.....gotta be just a coincidence, right? :ummm:
Remember if you guys catch one, dont feed it after midnight and dont get it wet.

I have already comes to terms with the monkey assigned to me.
He gets an allotment every two weeks when I get paid and he leaves me alone......wait is that the monkey or the IRS???? I cant remember

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