Well-Known Member
I am running a car tire on the back of my 1800 Honda and my ST-1300 and ran one for 10,000 miles on my Nomad. No problems, long tire life, huge load carrying capacity, smoother ride, better traction in sand, fantastic traction on wet roads. Some disadvantages are a bit of wobbling on uneven road surfaces and having to apply a bit of input for making turns. I am considering buying a V-Max and will use a car tire on it, if I can find one that fits.
I run a DS tire on my Triumph Rocket III including when the sidecar is on and also off. I'll put one on my max too when the current tire is used up. Below is a pic of the rear of my rocket.
Like the above poster stated, there are pros and cons. But discussing the DS is like talking about religion at the dinner table. It really seems to upset some folks.
Generally speaking though, you get better traction for accel and brake, better longevity, and the cool factor. Downsides is that the wider the tire the more it will grab and lean into uneven road surfaces. I run a 245 wide tire on my rocket now (225 in the pic below) and its wonderful for the sidecar, but can be a bit unruly when I'm riding on just two wheels. The 225 tire however was hardly a difference from the OEM MC tire.