Award Request for COPRUNNER!

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Award Request for COPRUNNER!

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jun 25, 2008
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columbia county new york
- dannymax

Sender Information

Userid: 1850
User Name: dannymax
What is your name?: dannymax

Request Information:
Award ID: 8
Name: Sad story award
Description: Sometime we really care.... <sniff... sniff>

Recipient username : COPRUNNER

Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.

I think this is a very fitting award to give to COPRUNNER because of the tragedy and trauma he and his family were subjected to in the recent passing of his Dad, Marvin O Barrett.
This is a difficult one. Is an award appropriate? I have a hard time deciding..

Maybe the award could be more befitting to slightly humorous sad stories?


But hey if Tim's happy with it then it's fine by me. I'm happy to support Danny's noble call.
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I don't know if this award was originally intended to be funny but my purpose in selecting it is not to be humurous.
My intention is to show compassion for a v max brother who had a rough time with a family tragedy.
I think CR is a helluva man to be able to share his story with us. I went through similar stuff when my Pops was passing - there was no way I could post about it. It's comforting to know that others feel the same way I did when something tragic like this happens. I say Hell Yes to CR getting an award - thanks for saying what I felt , but couldn't say myself.
I have no issue with the award as it can be humorous or serious, which we know that this one is serious - I say hell ya, Tim deserves an award/acknowledgment for sharing his thoughts and pain through the final days and passing of his Dad.

I agree on the seriousness of this award, a very tough event in Tim's life for sure.
Tim sharing with us must have been difficult but hopefully it gave him and us forum members a form of relief to help get through very painful times.
Thanks for sharing Tim.
I say absolutely, Purple heart or Sad story award. It took a lot for Tim or anyone to share this kind of information freely, I do think it may help others when faced with this kind of tragedy. Everyone that posted about going through this in their lives, my hats off to you also.

The last post about the service was just full of appreciation for a man, a hero and father.
That was the original intent of the award. Maybe the Purple Heart might be a better choice?

First: as long as I can remember, Cancer runs through my family like water (two fighting the loosing battle right now.) The suck factor is unbelievably high. I hope and pray you and your family find piece soon Tim. But usually it doesn't come so quick, sorry brother.

JMO, but I don't think we should have an award that can be considered for both humor/sarcasm and/ or real life tragic events.

Do we have an "In memory of" award?

On a side note, I don't appreciate the Purple Heart award.
Having spent 26 years in the military may be I am too close to the Purple Heart. For me it should be warn by, in any form, those who were awarded it under those conditions defined by George Washington so many years ago. I served with MANY other Country's service folks in mutual defenses and offensive events. If their Service had an equivalent award, all agreed it is the one medal you just don't want. . . .