Well-Known Member
Re: Award Request for Me!
Yea, your right about that, I really shouldn't have said that. I was just kinda surprised after 13 months of work on the bike and pretty much all my money it floored me that someone would say no after seeing my bike. It did win Best in Class at the World of Wheels ISCA show this year. I guess I just kinda took it like someone insulting my work. But I do apologise, that wasn't the way to handle it. And another valid point you made is you can't make everyone like you no matter how hard you try. I'll really try to be alot more humble and just be thankful for the people I have met here and help I've recieved. And I was wrong to have such a harsh response. I truely am sorry. Ed
with the "go **** yourself" thing I'm sure you won't be getting an award for niceness. can't make everyone like you, and if 1 person voted no, it doesnt mean he's an *******!
Maybe he just thought you need to "earn" it 1st....
you joined 7 mos. ago....gotta give people time to get to know you and prove to them you earned the award...even IF you dont ever get one, doesnt mean anything anyhow.
I've been on here for 4-5 yrs and dont have big deal.
Yea, your right about that, I really shouldn't have said that. I was just kinda surprised after 13 months of work on the bike and pretty much all my money it floored me that someone would say no after seeing my bike. It did win Best in Class at the World of Wheels ISCA show this year. I guess I just kinda took it like someone insulting my work. But I do apologise, that wasn't the way to handle it. And another valid point you made is you can't make everyone like you no matter how hard you try. I'll really try to be alot more humble and just be thankful for the people I have met here and help I've recieved. And I was wrong to have such a harsh response. I truely am sorry. Ed