Award Request for ninjaneer! -AWARDED-

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Award Request for ninjaneer!

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
Award Request for ninjaneer!

We CAN give and we CAN taketh away... If someone is deemed as undeserving of one, we can retract it later.

Sent from my iPad using special algorithms and data nodes.
Re: Award Request for ninjaneer!

at least you have a reason and have let it be known...

its nothing personal, and that actually explains a lot of the polling results as of late.

Personaly I dont care about any award. I bealive "acts" are whats trully define the man...and I bealive that Im a good man.
At the end I bealive that you will be remembered by the value of your good acts and rememberance is what I trully care.

Thats all.

We CAN give and we CAN taketh away... If someone is deemed as undeserving of one, we can retract it later.
Feel free to take mine's LOL
Re: Award Request for ninjaneer!

But, I cant agree with award for you. Not for the member who joined 5 months ago and has only 160 posts. I would gladly vote YES when you hit the 500 posts.

Fair enough, but, IMHO, if one wants to use the number of posts/threads, one shouldn't just use the absolute number of posts to gauge qualification, but rather the number of quality posts and threads. Off-hand I can think of only ten or so of my posts/threads that actually could be considered for the "betterment" of the forum and its members and weren't simply "social" in nature. This is actually why I was sincerely surprised to have been nominated.

Whether or not I receive this award, there will still be wind in my sails for being recognized. Thanks everyone for the votes of confidence and for the vote to strive for more.

And now let's stop all of this crap, and hop on our bikes!!!
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Re: Award Request for ninjaneer!

No no, no hard feelings and no offence at all.
I think yar doing great effort for this forum, you have also mine thanks for that.
Dont slow down!

But, I cant agree with award for you. Not for the member who joined 5 months ago and has only 160 posts. I would gladly vote YES when you hit the 500 posts.

I have seen many "supouse to be great" persons here. They started with a full throttle - grazilion mods, milion posibilities and endless list of ideas.
At the end I see 2% of them....
Dont get me wrong.

Prez, thanks for the explanation....I truely believe it was the right thing to do. I know it would make me feel's too easy to take everything personal.
Re: Award Request for ninjaneer!

We've never said that a user has to have a certain post count to receive an award. Just because someone is a NooB and/or doesn't post a lot, doesn't mean they aren't deserving of an award. Actually, most post whores offer less in the way of help than some of the people who post less.

I learned long ago, not to under estimate the ones who have less of a post count.

Re: Award Request for ninjaneer!

We've never said that a user has to have a certain post count to receive an award. Just because someone is a NooB and/or doesn't post a lot, doesn't mean they aren't deserving of an award. Actually, most post whores offer less in the way of help than some of the people who post less.

I learned long ago, not to under estimate the ones who have less of a post count.


Chris has nailed it on the head about the awards, especially the APE award that ninjaneer got. This award is more about content and not quantity. I find what brings most people to forums is the How To guides, which is why I set up that section. Any newbie to a VMax can then look through the step by step guides that the members here have produced and work on their own bike without creating identical threads of "How do I change my gas tank" etc. Most members get nominated for an award by someone that has found a guide or post useful for themselves or that person has went out of their way to help someone. The awards may be viewed as frivolous but I think it shows that people appreciate the effort members have put into making this forum what it is today. :twocents:
Re: Award Request for ninjaneer!

Re: Award Request for ninjaneer!

Wait the minute. I was not trying to create a rule here, the rule about how many posts you need to score to get the award, no!

I was trying to say that IMHO hes not ready yet and one of my argument was his post count and join date. There are at least couple factors... I havent chenged my mind tho.

Congrats Ninja!