Well-Known Member
I put my new front metzler 880 on today. I previously had a weave problem. Well the weave is still there. Its happens even at regular highway speed "60mph"when chaging lanes. There is somthing seriously wrong. Ive tried different fork air pressure.Seting the neck.Setting the air in both tires. The rear tire is new, but a cheapo. The tire is wearing proper. The front suspension is all tight, fork brace included,.as is the rear. Could a back tire through the bike off at such a low speed ?The swing arm is tight,the rear shocks are good. What is going on here ? My harley would weave when the rear tire was bald, but this one is new. I'm gonna pull off the rear and take it into the shop and get it checked for run out. I might even find a used tire and throw it on, just to see what changes. Its almost like riding with a tire going flat. Baffled:bang head: