Been off line for a few days

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys, Ive been off for a bit. kind of against my will.

I went down on my 95 and have been laid up recouping from the hard drop. I busted my back up (it was broken in a car wreck years ago) this didnt help me much. I am getting better and will be doing a rebuild on the bike for certain. Im not too sure what happened but I believe that the rear brake failed, I was told that I was found on the side of my dirt road by my brother, he lives next door to me. The last thing I remember was turning off the black top on to my dirt road. My brother took me to his house and then got the bike to my shop. I went to the Dr. a few days ago and he said the L4-L5 lower part of my back was severely damaged and that was where I broke it in that cage wreck. I still havent seen my bike, my brother has been taking care of me and my son ( his mom split a while back) I just wanted to touch base and be heard. I misses the Brotherhood here. I have been pretty drugged up on pain meds and muscle relaxers.
Good your moving around a little more and not getting planted in the ground.
Heal up quickly! :stretche:
I am very glad to hear that you are on this of the dirt. Hope your recovery is swift. When you get to see you bike, hopefully it faired well also. As long you are ok the bike can be fixed or rebuilt. Get well soon.
Your max will live again, just take care of yourself for now and get on the mend!................Tom.
holy crap! I was wondering where you have been. it is good that you are recovering. I hope you get well soon. I cannot wait to read posts of you back in the saddle again.

Sent from my Tapatalking Hercules Android
Glad you are well enough to be posting on here again.
Hope you heal fast.
I am sending my prayers and best wishes for a complete and quick recovery!:eusa_pray:
There will be plenty of time to figure out what your Vmax needs once you're healed!
Rear brake failure? What does a rear brake do? Must be the meds typing...
Unless it locked up? That's a head scratcher...
Rear brake failure? What does a rear brake do? Must be the meds typing...
Unless it locked up? That's a head scratcher...

The rear brakes didn't lock up they just weren't there, I hit the brakes religiously front and rear simultaneously when slowing to stop or turn. The brakes were just a little spongy and I was planning on getting the lines replaced with the steel braided lines as well as replacing the fluid. I just did the pads not long ago with some other stuff. From what my brother is telling me it looked like a front wheel slide out into the bar ditch. He said also that I fared worse than the bike. I will go take a look at it in the next day or 2 just to give it a once over. I hope that he is right and I didn't F it up too bad.

Thanks for all the well wishes they mean a lot for sure.
Wreckin Sucks.. Good to hear you're on the mend. Glad to hear you have a positive attitude about getting back up and riding... Take Care Bro...

shit thats not good to hear.... glad you're ok tho!
Seems like a rash of bent bikes mine included. You know we'll be here for your parts needs if you have any. Hope you heal fast. I had a burst fracture of L4. Vertebrae was in eight pieces but was ready to walk home a few hours later. When I complained that my spine felt a little unstable when I sat on the edge of the bed, I got an MRI and it was all down hill from there. One year in a body cast fixed me right up!
Glad to hear your OK! Back problems suck, especially a re-injury. Perhaps a purple heart award is in your future?
Glad To hear your on the mend I've been laid up not much Fun but when your better you forget how bad it was!