Beer Prices....

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Beer prices in Texas are higher'n a cat's back, and like gas prices in Europe it is mostly due to state taxation conitinually going up to fund ******** programs for poeple who don't deserve it.

I' sorry, do I sound bitter????????

Nope ......not bitter.......just correct.....
If you guys knew what it costs them to make it (especially the fizzy mega brews) you would crap a sharp cornered brick.

I know all too well what it costs to make a good brew, I've been in a brew club, so to speak for over 16 years. I still buy what is easier on my wallet, but I drink what myself and my friends brew.
I'm a beer Nazi, not a beer snob. I won't even go to a bar unless I know they have micro's either on tap or in bottle.
Ca even tell you how many times I've ordered a diet coke in a restaurant after the waitress read all the "different" beers they have, "We have, Blue, Blue light, Molson, Bud, Bud light, millers..." diet coke please.
My wife's uncle is a high on the list executive at Swillweiser and there is 0, zip, nada, none at all AB products allowed in my house, not even stuff from the micro's they bought and ruined (red hook to name 1). AB is one of the most vile, deceitful corportations is the country.
One of my good Vmax buddies works at Bud in houston for the last 34 years, since Inbev bought them out not only do they make crappy beer but they treat their employees like **** now too.

I won't deny I drink a fair amount of "swill" tho'..Beer prices what being they are, and my consumption habits being what they are, I simply cannot afford to drink the "good" beers.

My favorite beer of all time tho' is Shiner Bock which is a really good Texas brewed micro, although they aren't so "micro" anymore....
Rusty, those boys down in Blanco at the Real Ale brewery are making some very nice beers. If you get a chance to try some, do it. Pretty sure you get those down your way. They started out in the basement of an antique store there and finally built a nice brewery right outside of town that increased their capacity X25.

You know, when Uncle Sam sent me to Germany back in 1982, I was ruined for American swill. Drink Licher every day for a year and you wouldn't want a Buttlite either. I now drink Newcastle Brown Ale. It's darker than most, but light enough to enjoy all day long. I can get it on sale at Albertsons for 7.50 a sixxer but lately, a few folks have donated 12 packs to my fridge. In fact, I haven't bought any beers since July 4th. I hope it continues for a while longer though, nothing like a free, tasty beverage. Sorry to hear you're in dire straights for a drink though, I'm the same way with Vmax parts. Oh well, you know what they say, "You can't have anything!"
Hey guys, check out All about craft beers. My son -in-law Todd Alstrom founded it. Reviews of beers and pubs all across the USA and Europe. docalyn
I don`t drink much at all thanks to ulcers but, I usually drink bud or coors light but, because I generaly don`t like the taste of beer, I smother it in a bloody mary mix or clamato.
But I do like the taste of whisky and coke.LOL.:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
You know, when Uncle Sam sent me to Germany back in 1982, I was ruined for American swill. Drink Licher every day for a year and you wouldn't want a Buttlite either. I now drink Newcastle Brown Ale. It's darker than most, but light enough to enjoy all day long. I can get it on sale at Albertsons for 7.50 a sixxer but lately, a few folks have donated 12 packs to my fridge. In fact, I haven't bought any beers since July 4th. I hope it continues for a while longer though, nothing like a free, tasty beverage. Sorry to hear you're in dire straights for a drink though, I'm the same way with Vmax parts. Oh well, you know what they say, "You can't have anything!"

Newcastle Brown is damn nice. I used to drink that... and if you like that and if you ever see it... anything from the Wychwood Brewery is a good buy, particularly Hobgoblin or Goliath. Probably you dont get in the US tho.

Ps. I dont work for Wychwood, although I am probably responsible for a large portion of their annual profits!:biglaugh:
Newcastle Brown is damn nice. I used to drink that... and if you like that and if you ever see it... anything from the Wychwood Brewery is a good buy, particularly Hobgoblin or Goliath. Probably you dont get in the US tho.

Ps. I dont work for Wychwood, although I am probably responsible for a large portion of their annual profits!:biglaugh:
Had those, they are pretty good. Problem with European beers in the US is they take forever to get here and too many are in clear bottles and improperly stored.
Don't laugh guys but I still enjoy me some Pabst Blue Ribbon....$12.99 30pack....smooth and no headaches....but nothin like a good ol' crispy Long Trail Ale (Vermont)
Hey guys, check out All about craft beers. My son -in-law Todd Alstrom founded it. Reviews of beers and pubs all across the USA and Europe. docalyn

This is very good beer website. Been there many times. There are other good ones out there that help with beer education also.

Had those, they are pretty good. Problem with European beers in the US is they take forever to get here and too many are in clear bottles and improperly stored.

That's for sure. Even the Canadian beers in green bottles get light struck. And we always wondered why all the beers in green bottles are skunky. Samuel Smiths finally went to amber bottles from the clear glass they used for a lot of years.


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