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Funny guys! Haha!

I challenge y'all to spend all day outside in 95 degrees and 95% humidity doing yard work or garage work etc drinking beer from noon till dark on the weekend.
Y'all drink those "weird beers" haha, and I'll drink mine. Well see who makes it all day without pussing out and going inside to take some aspirin and lay down with a massive headache and no buzz.

I'll still drink your "weird beer" but it'll be one or maybe two of them over supper that same evening, while y'all are still trying to kick that headache

Much love it's all good!
Free beer!Cheap beer!Long as i dont have a hangover.Im not a connisouir,Just a sot.Nah,Just something decent,suit's me fine.
I used to drink beer all day back in the day, but anymore it's just 4-5 beers a night. I don't find the Budweiser I used to drink by the case very flavorful and probably not gonna get much of a buzz off 4-5 of them. My refrigerator with a bottom shelf with 5 or 6 different flavors of beer, all left over from 6 packs I've tried over the summer. I don't get headaches with the craft brews, but them I normally didn't get them when I drank a case either!:biglaugh: I don't like overly hopped beers from my informal testing, at least that is what I think that's the taste that I don't care for.:confused2:
I do like my Makers Mark/ MM 46 and an occasional Stoli screwdriver/ cape cod (cranberry), but usually only have one or two of them.
Funny guys! Haha!

I challenge y'all to spend all day outside in 95 degrees and 95% humidity doing yard work or garage work etc drinking beer from noon till dark on the weekend.
Y'all drink those "weird beers" haha, and I'll drink mine. Well see who makes it all day without pussing out and going inside to take some aspirin and lay down with a massive headache and no buzz.

I'll still drink your "weird beer" but it'll be one or maybe two of them over supper that same evening, while y'all are still trying to kick that headache

Much love it's all good!

On a day like you just described, I shall not be drinking anything alcoholic till the sun is down, thank you. In conditions like that, I want plenty of water, backed with Gatorade. Besides, I normally only have one beer in an evening, maybe on rare occasions, two. Thats it.
Funny guys! Haha!

I challenge y'all to spend all day outside in 95 degrees and 95% humidity doing yard work or garage work etc drinking beer from noon till dark on the weekend.
Y'all drink those "weird beers" haha, and I'll drink mine. Well see who makes it all day without pussing out and going inside to take some aspirin and lay down with a massive headache and no buzz.

I'll still drink your "weird beer" but it'll be one or maybe two of them over supper that same evening, while y'all are still trying to kick that headache

Much love it's all good!

I get the headache from Bud on days like that, lol. I can drink ice cold SUPER hoppy IPAs all day long in weather like that with no problem, lol. Most times though its only 1 or 2 unless somethings frustrating the hell outta me, lol.
Miracles never cease! A spirited conversation/debate NOT mentioning your fine president, Mr. Obama!:clapping:

Hmmmmm......wonder what kind of beer HE drinks???
On a day like you just described, I shall not be drinking anything alcoholic till the sun is down, thank you. In conditions like that, I want plenty of water, backed with Gatorade. Besides, I normally only have one beer in an evening, maybe on rare occasions, two. Thats it.
Exactly the same here. I'll have a beer with my dinner and that's it.
Im not a connisouir,Just a sot

I guess I fall into this category. I drink beer, a lot of beer, have all my life and probably always will.
If truth was told I'm probably a "high functioning" alcoholic since there probably hasn't been 30 days in the last 30 years that I didn't have at least one beer, but usually it's 4-6.
I used to feel guilty about it until I came to the conclusion that if it doesn't cause problems then in and
of itself it's not a problem.
That's how I rationalize it anyway!
Lol. Im mostly a one a day kinda guy. After work i sit down with a cold brew and a book. Unless its friday, they we have parking lot beers at work when we get off.
I guess I fall into this category. I drink beer, a lot of beer, have all my life and probably always will.
If truth was told I'm probably a "high functioning" alcoholic since there probably hasn't been 30 days in the last 30 years that I didn't have at least one beer, but usually it's 4-6.
I used to feel guilty about it until I came to the conclusion that if it doesn't cause problems then in and
of itself it's not a problem.
That's how I rationalize it anyway!
I drink 7 a night,Used to be a lot worse,Bud busch **** i dont care,I dont drink and drive period.Used to,Like a lot of things a person gets older and wiser.Years ago a preacher ask did i drink,I said yes.How do you act after drinking?Not really any different.Friends agree.Rusty you are you.Sot or not.Your happy you dont hurt anyone or anything.You are a good friend and a decent person.Been there for your family and friends,Through good and bad times.Your a damn good guy.Thanks for your honesty.Let's have a beer!
Cant stand the taste of Beer & have tried numerous kinds . Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum is a different story though :biglaugh:

Mmmmmmm..... Rum........ in my younger, wilder days i could chug a bottle of Captain Morgan. I used to have a problem you could say, lol. So glad those days are gone!
Home brews, local brews, craft brews - in that order
But there's so much choice on tap now that I don't have to fall back on Bud/Miller/Heinekin anymore

My favorite is a red ale aged in whiskey barrels - mmm

I also try some brewing myself from malt extract, then last week I got my hands on a 50L pub keg that needs filling - lots of apples about this time of year

