I've been using Engine ice for a long time.It's kinda pricey though,but no problems. Keeping your cooling system clean is the key. I flush at every 10,000 mile service:biglaugh:Anyone have any comments on "Engine Ice"?
(with just enough auto coolant concentrate for freezing protection and lubrication, depending on your weather. And the water is best distilled too)
If I change my coolant every 50K , according to your recomendation of even changing it every 50K, that means I have until 2068 until I have to worry about changing it . I only have 17,000 miles on the 1985 bike. Nah, I'm gonna be silly and pollute the world.Regular "green" coolant is usually good for 50-60k miles in cars, or the long life stuff is often over 100k service intervals.
No reason it wouldn't last that long in a bike also, so changing it every year or two seems a bit silly. Creates a lot of unnecessary waste of a highly toxic substance.
Pop your rad cap....if it's brightly colored and clear, you're fine. Forget about it.