Well-Known Member
SHHH...just look at the avatar G and everything will be alright!:biglaugh:
SHHH...just look at the avatar G and everything will be alright!:biglaugh:
:rofl_200::rofl_200:Hmmm...nope. Sorry. It ain't doing a thing for me.....
Damn fukkers at Bike Night. It always starts out alright, if it ain't a Harley dresser that gets 4k miles a year, they just don't understand why you'd want it...
My knees are hamburger and the later it gets, the more the drunk sumbitches keep stumbling into my knees, I'm just trying to finish my PBR here!!!
After the third barber- bearded, Polo-smelling, ain't-rode-all-week mofo kicked a chair into me, I just left. Klutzy drunk wannabes can kiss my ass, my friggin knees are under the table how the hell are you still kicking me?!
Hell only bike I can get my feet on the pegs good right now is the little Honda 750 4-cylinder. If I can show up to the chromed abomonism show you call a bike night on that, could you please just leave me alone?!
Dammit people, if you haven't got the coordination to navigate a bar floor without kicking the woman with the PBR making faces, maybe you ought to not be on that land barge?!?!
Dammit people, if you haven't got the coordination to navigate a bar floor without kicking the woman with the PBR making faces, maybe you ought to not be on that land barge?!?!
You mean you left the body armor at home? What were you thinking girl!?! :bang head: