Big weather event- Western New York

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We just got there a little bit ago. At this rate ill be running around in shorts outside by 4am! Lol.
My SUV said -7 when I left work, but it had sat in the wind and snow all day. Wind is around 20 mph plus gusts so wind chill is -18, hoping for the forecasted 30* this weekend to get some skiing in.

Fahrenheit always confuses me, at least its 278°K here
Water freezes @ 32 fahrenheit.

Heat pumps lose most of their effeciency down between 15-20 fahrenheit. (I believe, at least mine does)

Zero is where it starts freezing all the witches' *******.
Well, were all done here. It's a balmy 17 degrees now. A lot of snow pac on the roads, but most people are dug out. We got around 18" of snow. Supposed to be 54 degrees and rain here on saturday. Now there are flood warnings.The roads are getting blown apart by all the freeze thaw. Its gonna be a real bad year for pot holes. I guess its job security for me being in road construction.
I was expecting things to be worse but feel like we got off pretty easy here in western PA. Yesterday was rough. The temp gauge in my truck said -9 when I left for work. It stayed there the whole ride in. Maybe thats as low as it goes? I didn't spend much time outside.

Today hasn't been too bad. I was outside a good bit. It did prompt me to pick up a new pair of boots on my way home. The ones I'm wearing are 5 years old and have a hole in the side that plugs up with snow. Its getting old.

Kinda funny how new boots are never as comfortable as the old ones.....till its time for another new pair.
Water freezes @ 32 fahrenheit.

Heat pumps lose most of their effeciency down between 15-20 fahrenheit. (I believe, at least mine does)

Zero is where it starts freezing all the witches' *******.

Up north we use heating devices that put flame to a heat transfer medium using the diffusion of heat generated to be propelled by either fan forcing the air through ducting or by general radiation into a general area by a white hot wood burning fire appliance. Rather basic I know, but we use what is proven given the abundance of local forests and the occasional natural gas line or large propane cylinder (aka "PIG").
Any brave or as some may call them "foolhardy" witches in this area must be rendered flat chested or at very least must employ a heated vest to maintain their buxomness.
As of this minute the stars are out and shining brightly on this frigid night, beautiful! I'm hoping to see some northern lights tonight as the conditions are prime for them. Although the temps are warm as compared to very recent days the current 12* are still chilled to a frosty -1* with wind chill. Warmer days are eminent for us although I don't think any local pool owners will be cleaning them in tank tops.:biglaugh:
Sounds like the worst is over from this storm for the NE USA. Those pics from Ireland are vicious. I bet they lose a few foolhardy oceanside sightseers from those waves.

When I was a Boy Scout in western NY, I liked the camporees. One in the winter was almost called-off when the weather took a dip below-0, but the farmer whose property it was brought out bales of straw we broke-open and lined the floors inside our tents with for insulation. The leaders had us doing calisthenics during the day, and they checked us all for appropriate bedding, and had all-night bed-checks to ensure no-one suffered hypothermia. Needless to say, there were plenty of fires. Funny how the side closest to the fire can be so-hot, but your opposite side can be so-cold! You could go home if you wanted-to, but few of the troop did. We stuck it out for two nights, and it got into the 'minus-teens.' We kept our food in insulated coolers, not to keep the food cool, but to prevent it from freezing.