Well-Known Member
I vote the 1300
Remember they are smaller at the top then at the bottom/skirt area.
+1i vote the 1300
Its not the best test but if you clean any carbon away on the top of the cylinder. You can see where the top ring stops in its travel. You might be able to feel a lip there ? If its very minor so is the wear. If you finger nail catches and it a fairly good grove there then you got some serious wear. the top 1/4 inch or so is where your going to find the most wear because of the force from the ignition of the fuel of power stroke. The bottom will typically have the least amount of wear unless you have a scored piston. Power stroke is where you have the blow by and lose your compression when the rings cant provide the proper seal for what ever reason.
I never knew pistons were smaller at the top then down :biglaugh:.
Cylinder 1 2 3 4
Top, 90 degree 76.02 76.01 76.02 76.02
Bottom, 90 degree 76.00 75.99 76.00 76.00
Top 76.03 76.01 76.02 76.00
Bottom 76.06 76.03 76.07 76.03