Too bad about the newer rubber parts...thanks for the quick reply, Sean. I guess I'll go with Ron Ayers or partsfish for the boots--seem to be around 14 bucks per, but might take a couple of weeks to arrive unless I go express. Was hoping there might be a better (quicker) way. None of the local dealers stock them.
Also, the screws holding all float chamber covers on were really tight, so in addition to the usual wd-40 soak, I had to use an impact driver. Stop yelling, I know that might have been too much force to use on the carbs... All of them loosened up nicely except for a couple on carb 2. They didn't turn and I've now mangled the heads of them pretty good. Stop laughing, I know I can't be the only one to have done this...right? Even so, any good methods for getting these things to loosen up? A little heat from a torch, maybe? I guess the impact driver might have been a poor idea, but I couldn't loosen the suckers any other way.
Also, now that I've got the others opened up, what would be my next step on cleaning up the idle pilot circuit, other than spraying carb cleaner throughout? I want to get these suckers totally clean, so I can rule them out as the cause of the bike not running without the choke partially on. I don't believe I was getting any gas at all through the idle circuit since the adjustments of the idle mixture screws had NO effect at all on the engine.
One more thing. I got the two screws out of the jet block, but it doesn't seem to want to come out. How much force should I use on that thing--don't want to mangle it up, too.