Carb Woes.....Help !!!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Reaction score
Davie, Florida
Still can't get my bike running right.
Pulls great up to 5K then starts gurgling. Sounds/feels rich, but with choke on runs should be lean, right?
Pulled plugs 1&3...real dry almost white.
Pulls all the way up to 7K in first once you hit second and hit 5/6K the gurgling starts.
Bike will cruise at 75 @4500K....slow trottle to 5K starts gurgling...put on the choke I'll get 80/85mph at the same rpm.
WOT no response...just gurgles.....just doesn't feel like a lean surge though.

Carbs back to stock with DJ springs......Factory box back on and closed up some, just running Kerker full and Dyna 3000. Tried first 3 stages on the ignition no difference.

Changed fuel line from the tank to filter, cleaned filter, found white sedement in filter after gas evaporated....could be seafoam or bad gas....but gas 1 week old.

Question....this shouldn't be ignition since it only happens at a certain rpm right?
I'm just concentrating on the carbs.....I've blown them out once already...couple of the rubbers were bad on the air mixture screws, replaced them with temp smaller ones(all I could find)
Synced the carbs...idles a bit worse????
This has happened once before a couple years ago, took me forever and tore the carbs down so many times,,,,,but I forgot what I did to fix it, or it just dissapeared.
I'm stumped:ummm:....ready to dump this thing and get a warrior.:biglaugh:
really sounds like you're leaning out up high. what mains do you have in? whats the needle situation?

say you're cruising at 7k rpms, what happens if you WOT it vs slowly opening the throttle?
If plugs are white on the tips; means it is a "lean" condition. Continuing to run motor in this condition especially at high RPM can result in "burning" holes in the pistons.
Carbs need to be checked further and also make sure you have the right heat range of spark plugs in the bike. Good Luck.
These bikes don't mind being on the lean side. Here are a few things to ask yourself.
  • Have you checked the floats?
  • What needles are you using?
  • Shimmed/clip position?
  • Main Jet size?
  • When it starts "gurgling" if you back off the throttle a little will it catch up and smooth out?
  • How are your plug boots? if you rev the engine while looking at them do you see any shooting sparks?
  • Plug wire condition?
These bikes don't mind being on the lean side. Here are a few things to ask yourself.
  • Have you checked the floats?
  • What needles are you using?
  • Shimmed/clip position?
  • Main Jet size?
  • When it starts "gurgling" if you back off the throttle a little will it catch up and smooth out?
  • How are your plug boots? if you rev the engine while looking at them do you see any shooting sparks?
  • Plug wire condition?

Excellent pic, KJ.......
I had a simular problem a while back,& it drove me nuts.

It wound being. That the pilot jet in the jet blocks were the wrong. Type.
The top of them were closed. & the sides looked like sprinklers.
the correct ones look like straws with the tops open.
Me &Fargo changed them & the problem went away And it ran like a beast.
really sounds like you're leaning out up high. what mains do you have in? whats the needle situation?

say you're cruising at 7k rpms, what happens if you WOT it vs slowly opening the throttle?

Stock mains and needles.
Can't get to 7K.
  • Have you checked the floats? (No, never have had the carbs off)
  • What needles are you using? (Stock)
  • Shimmed/clip position? (Didn't make a difference with stock/with DJ needle richening just moved the problem to a higher rpm)
  • Main Jet size? (Stock)
  • When it starts "gurgling" if you back off the throttle a little will it catch up and smooth out? (Yes, to the rpm it started gurgling at)
  • How are your plug boots? if you rev the engine while looking at them do you see any shooting sparks? (stock sparks)
  • Plug wire condition? (I assume good....I'll check them)
this almost sounds like similar symptoms of those who remove the aribox and try to run the bike.
yea. maybe even a boot between carbs and vboost manifolds
I had this problem with my 89. It ran to 4 to 5,000 in 4th and 5th then made all kinds of a fuss. 1st, 2nd 3rd would run right up though.The only way to get the RPM to climb was to back off the throttle slightly. I believe I swapped the DJ Diaphragm Springs back to Stock Springs to get rid of it. Any chance the springs are the lighter DJ Springs?

Good Luck,

Excerpt from my 89's thread: I had already installed stock diaphragm springs that I got from CaptainKyle and moved the needles down all the way to try and clear up the 4th and 5th gears breaking up at 4,000 RPM. I R&R'd the Air / Fuel Screws, cleaned, inspected and insured that all the parts were there and good. Set them at 3-1/4 turns. Re-sync'd the carbs. The bike ran like a RA in the first 3 gears, still breaking up some at 4,000 in 4th and 5th but better.

Note: Jettimg changes cleared it all up... I went leaner on the main jet....
Yes I have the DJ springs in, but the stock springs made no difference.
Yes my boots on airbox are crappy, 1 definately not seating right, but shouldn't that affect it at idle low rpm?

BTW...I had air correctors and pods on and did the same thing.
Had the corectors and airbox made no difference.
Now have corectors out and airbox...same.

Changed the difference.
Just put in the DJ needles on #4 to richen up, just pushed the problem 1K rpm higher.
I've run 2 tanks of seafoam through this already.
I'm lost/
Probably clogged or partially clogged pilot jets (in the jet blocks). 90% of carb problems on these bikes is related to those jets.

Yeah, doesn't sound like ignition. Clean the carbs and go from there.
Probably clogged or partially clogged pilot jets (in the jet blocks). 90% of carb problems on these bikes is related to those jets.


I had this same problem about 1 1/2 years ago, did the same stuff I'm doing now and everytime I went in to the carbs I blew them out. Took me about 2 week and it eventually ran but don't know if it was all the cleaning or something I did.

I'll try the pilot jets in the jet do I get to them?

Yeah, blowing air in there doesn't work for the pilots unfortunately. You need to remove carbs, split the bank into halves (left/right) and then do one at a time. Remove float cover, float, needle inlet valve, two phillips screws holding the block on, then a large brass slotted screw holding the needle jet in. Carefully life the block up. Now, remove two rubber plugs in block and keep soaking in fuel until read to install. This will keep 'em pliable and won't shrink. Pilot jet is in the tunnel on the left. Remove main jet bleed pipe too in middle tunnel. Might as well be thorough. Oh, keep jet block gasket and needle jet o-ring soaking in fuel too. Make sure you use the correct size screw driver for the PFJ and main bleed pipe.
I had this same problem about 1 1/2 years ago, did the same stuff I'm doing now and everytime I went in to the carbs I blew them out. Took me about 2 week and it eventually ran but don't know if it was all the cleaning or something I did.

I'll try the pilot jets in the jet do I get to them?

To bad you cant make it to tech day with them we could walk you through it plus I have brand new pilot jets here sometimes its easier just to replace them.
I had a simular problem and it was settlement in the bottom of my gas tank. I removed the fuel hose before the fuel filter, removed the gas cap, stuffed enough rags in the gas filler neck and then inserted the air nozzle from my air compressor and blew air into the gas tank until gas was coming out of hose I removed from fuel filter. There was all kinds of crap that came thru the gas line (I caught it in a plastic container). So I think your problem could be fuel starvation. If you do this simple operation and move the reserve switch back and forth (with ignition swith on) to assure you are getting all the gunk from the bottom of tank. This may not be your problem , but this procedure is a five minute job and you could dismiss one more variable to the problem.