Checked Out An 09 at the Stealer...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Tampa Bay
Went for a trip yesterday to the dealer just north of where I an by about 30 miles or so. Asked if they had anything with Scoops.:biglaugh: Man, I had to explain it to the salesman. He proceeded to show me an 09 with 13,XXX miles on the clock. Asking price $15,999.99. You gotta be Crappin me. I told him about some of the 09's I've turned down. He said they could lower the price considerably so I threw out an under $13,000.00. Back Paddled him really quick.

I know one of the other sales people there and may go back at her to see what they could realistically do...:rofl_200:

It's clean but I'm not paying $2,000.00 under the original price, new 2 years ago.. NFW.....
Went for a trip yesterday to the dealer just north of where I an by about 30 miles or so. Asked if they had anything with Scoops.:biglaugh: Man, I had to explain it to the salesman. He proceeded to show me an 09 with 13,XXX miles on the clock. Asking price $15,999.99. You gotta be Crappin me. I told him about some of the 09's I've turned down. He said they could lower the price considerably so I threw out an under $13,000.00. Back Paddled him really quick.

I know one of the other sales people there and may go back at her to see what they could realistically do...:rofl_200:

It's clean but I'm not paying $2,000.00 under the original price, new 2 years ago.. NFW.....
i .. MAN , THATS F!@#$*G CRAZY !
Local Y,S,K,V,CA, dealer had a '09 w/ 2700 miles for $ 13 K . Lasted about 30 days and sold to someone in FL.
Went for a trip yesterday to the dealer just north of where I an by about 30 miles or so. Asked if they had anything with Scoops.:biglaugh: Man, I had to explain it to the salesman. He proceeded to show me an 09 with 13,XXX miles on the clock. Asking price $15,999.99. You gotta be Crappin me. I told him about some of the 09's I've turned down. He said they could lower the price considerably so I threw out an under $13,000.00. Back Paddled him really quick.

I know one of the other sales people there and may go back at her to see what they could realistically do...:rofl_200:

It's clean but I'm not paying $2,000.00 under the original price, new 2
years ago.. NFW.....

They are holding their value fairly well but 16K is too much. I paid $16.500 for mine new, pre-ordered from my dealer. Many paid list because their dealers wouldn't move on the price , and the bike was worth every penny of the 09' list price. Me, I'm lets say.... frugal (OK cheap) and I can't stand to pay list for anything. There was plenty of money left for the non-greedy dealers to still make plenty if they discounted the bike. I can tell you though if you get one for a fair price you will NEVER regret it. Everytime I look at the bike I feel so lucky that I have one, and glad that I ordered one when I did. Best purchase I've ever made.

Thanks for all the inputs. I figure I'll call and see if they can't hit $13,000.00.. I'll offer $12,500.00 and see if she hangs up on me....:rofl_200:

I'm getting as bad as Kyle, well almost. I'd have 4 bikes. My Mom's 95 YO, she can't understand why I needed 3. She stIll has the Depression Era Mentality. Gee, I wonder why. We're not in a recession or Depression, are we...:ummm:
Well, you only live once. You might as well do the things that make it enjoyable. Be it a motorcycle, car, house, vacation, whatever. If you can afford it without making life tough for yourself and its going to make you happy, you might as well do it. Not like you can take the money with you when you go. People say to leave your money to your family but if you spend it on cool shit then they can sell it for the money, LOL:biglaugh:
or this one
"it sure is boring waiting around to be a millionaire"
Thanks CaptainKyle, That will give me some more leverage.... I bought my Dodge from Peggy there and she was supposed to let me know if any Max's came in. Since she didn't it won't hurt if I really push her buttons on this one....

She changes trucks as often as others change underwear...:rofl_200:

I'm in no rush to jump into this. I kinda jumped into the 89 and it ended up being tons of work and extra money to make it right. I'll write that off to being a major learning experience but the Gen II that I get has to prove itself to me. I'm going to eventually "DO IT" but I'm gonna do it right. And, not get it "Up the Rear"...:rofl_200:

Thanks for the number Kyle...
Yeah wait it out. Up here in Edmonton the dealerships have been having record years... until last year! Prices are dropping significantly, but still not to as low as what you guys are paying. I was looking at a F150 Raptor and they're about $10K cheaper in the states than canada. Hopefully they'll go down a bit.
F150 Raptor .:rofl_200: That's what the lady sales person I know at the dealer is driving this week...
your story reminds me of all these people that give me offers that will pay 3k for a running parts bike but wont pay 3500 for a nice one thats ready to roll. :D
Mattness, You may be right. I'm tight. When I bought the 89, I was really looking for a parts bike but then thought I may as well have a parts bike that runs. That was my downfall.

Shouldn't be many Gen II's out there that are beat up too badly, from what I've seen they're pretty tough.. If I can find one for $3500.00, I'll jump on it so fast it'll look like Scotty Beamed me there.:rofl_200:No point spending more than I have too though.

I'd really like to wait for the 2010's to come down in price, I'm partial to Red...:biglaugh:
Mattness, You may be right. I'm tight. When I bought the 89, I was really looking for a parts bike but then thought I may as well have a parts bike that runs. That was my downfall.

Shouldn't be many Gen II's out there that are beat up too badly, from what I've seen they're pretty tough.. If I can find one for $3500.00, I'll jump on it so fast it'll look like Scotty Beamed me there.:rofl_200:No point spending more than I have too though.

I'd really like to wait for the 2010's to come down in price, I'm partial to Red...:biglaugh:
We can turn an 09 red I happen to know a good painter.LOL
A Very Good Painter, I know him too, Kyle....:rofl_200:

It's You...:biglaugh:

I even have the Red to do it, Don't I... Harley Sierra Red....