Yeah, they should be dry, do you have any chips or pitting in the chrome? You do have leakage. Once the chrome is damaged, I know of nothing that fixes that, except new downtubes. Re-chroming your old tubes will probably cost you more-than buying new downtubes from a vendor like Forking by Frank in TN.
I just checked, Frank's is moving! They are leaving where they've done-business for decades, and have moved to Mississippi. They hope to return to business by May 1st. I expect that date may get moved-back. You can check here for more info:
MOTORCYCLE FORK TUBES BY FRANKS FORKS I'm a Frank's customer, and am satisfied with the product, especially compared-to the price of OEM pieces.
A stop-gap way to fill-in the pits some try is to ball-up a piece of aluminum foil and to vigorously-rub it into the pits. I've never-tried this myself, obviously, it's nothing permanent, I have no-idea how-long it will work, but I guess if someone was really-poor, and just trying to make their only transportation work, it might offer a reduction in the pitting tearing-up your seals. I've used bicarbonate of soda to soda-blast pits in exhaust headpipes, and the megaphone exhaust ass'y. That does work to scour the rust out of the pitting, but then you're left with the pits. maybe something like POR-15 wiped-onto the downtubes, and then carefully sanded-off with a fine grade of wet-or-dry, leaving the POR-15 in the pits, would buy some time. That stuff does dry very-hard! If you're not familiar with it, it's a paint used to stop rust. Of course, you have to remove the loose, flaky stuff/rust, and it probably is good to get to shiny, ferrous metal to paint it on, but look online for info on it, and how to apply it. I've used it on lawn implement wheels, and it does work. Also you can paint over it. An example would be a lawnmower deck, painted with the POR-15, and then painted with J. Deere green, for instance. I've seen people using it on the underside of cars/trucks, and also on suspension components.
POR-15 Rust Preventive Coating, Gloss Black, Quart 45004: Advance Auto Parts
POR-15: Professional 3-Step Stop Rust System