Clutch Master Cyl

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
SW Florida
Anyone remember offhand what Yamahas use our same clutch master reserviors? I'm still looking for a clean stock one and I got one reply. I guees I'll turn to the dark side and peruse Fleabay. I checked for FJR masters this evening. No joy. Anybody?
Find me a cheap enough Nissin id sell ya mine! Lol I was a different clutch master.

Come on you contact Kyle?? He's gotta have one
mY 1987 FZR1000 uses the same one, and I bet the FJ1100/1200 of the mid-late 1980's/early '90's do too.
I'll check into the FJs. They out to be cheap enough but I don't want old and nasty but functional. I have that now so I neef something presentable/nice
I had a pretty bad looking set for both front masters. The brake fluid had really done some damage. Mine, to find out only really affected the paint though. I sand blasted them and then powder coated them and they look brand new. Even better i think with the PC rather that wet paint.
Unfortunately mine is "rashed" and beyond fixing. I'm not to the point of re assembly of Rattlecan yet but someone has to have a nice used one stashed away. $100 bucks for a new one with no lever. OUCH. I have powdercoated masters on my 1990 and both the lids and the bodies have brake fluid damage at the rubber seal area and need redone.
sean has a nice chrome one for 50 bux in his special sale items.
Front M/C 2KW-W2645-00-00 is also fitted to:

1985 - 07 V Max1985 FZ 750
1986 FZ 750
1986 FZX700S Fazer
1987 FZR 7501987FZR 750R
1987 FZR10001988FZR 750R
1988 FZR 750
1988 FZR1000
1989 FJ1200W
1990 FJ1200AC
1990 FJ1200A
1991 FJ1200BC
1991 FJ1200B
1992 FJ1200
1992 FJ1200AD ABS
1993 FJR 1200
Thanks Max. Let the Ebay surfing begin ! Whew, thats a ton of compatibility, I had no idea! Thank you MM