I knew somebody out there has to listen to the stuff. I always jump in the car on my lunch break and check it out. I can believe somethings, at least it makes ya really wonder what we really know to be real ! Most of the guests are very well educated and you have to respect that. The funniest stuff is the callers, some are so friggin wacked out its unreal.
If you wanna check out some free pod casts, there is a site in Norway called redicecreations.com which offer free pod d/l's. The speaker who interviews the guests is annoying to say the least - but its free. They have about 30 or so to check out and they have streaming online shows as well.
That is Red Ice Creations dot com.
I think soon the pressure is going to become too great and allot of classified material is going to be made public. I think it may freak allot of folks out there. It can't be capped forever. If there is - we have a right to know. If there is a hell of good reason to hide it, I'd like to know what it is. However, admit the facts - and be done with it.
We are told about Black holes in space and then some, and we just take it as just another fact....well hell I've never seen one have you ? Plus, it has such a strong force of gravity even light can't escape from it. Holy **** man ! If that isn't too mind boggling I don't know what is.
They were saying they found a new planet 29 light years away ( If I'm not mistaken ) which maybe allot like earth. You have to think to yourself - how in hell did they ever find it never mind saying it has great expectations of having an atmosphere and temps close to earth. I GUESS, what I'm getting at is its going to just as hard to comprehend anyway so WHY NOT ! :hmmm:
Thanks for the replies guys.