Cold Starting

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
It has been a while since I posted so first I hope everyone had a merry xmas and good luck in the new year.

My question is about starting in the cold. Now I know Max's are notorious for not running well in the cold but I had never not got it started.

This morning I was having to ride in colder that possibly ever, it is 32 here so freezing. Max wouldn't get going. It tried but I couldn't get it to start up. I heard a couple loud clunks which I hope are nothing.

Anyway, hope my max is ok, rode great on Sunday. Oh yeah I was late for work this morning and had to get my boss to pick me up.

It has been a while since I posted so first I hope everyone had a merry xmas and good luck in the new year.

My question is about starting in the cold. Now I know Max's are notorious for not running well in the cold but I had never not got it started.

This morning I was having to ride in colder that possibly ever, it is 32 here so freezing. Max wouldn't get going. It tried but I couldn't get it to start up. I heard a couple loud clunks which I hope are nothing.

Anyway, hope my max is ok, rode great on Sunday. Oh yeah I was late for work this morning and had to get my boss to pick me up.


most times when its that cold i'll always leave it on the tender overnight as it seems the vmax loves to have all the power ti can available to it. can u try that? or jumping it?
+1 garrett's right keep a good charge, and with choke shouldn't need to grab a fist full of throttle. I had the experience once that i only found when i got my bike home but the first morning i had to light her up it took a boost and lots and lots of cranking, the problem only was that one of the 4 carbs had the set screw on the choke lever, so when i put on the choke only that carb was doing anything.(still had a great day, garrett thanks for waiting with the gang lol)....anyways felt stupid after i found that out. so even without a choke it started and just need to turn it over fast.
Went home at lunch yesterday and got it started like normal. Needed choke as it is low 40's during the day but I rode her back to work and everything was normal again. I am going to do the charge thing from now on for sure. I was due anyway as it has probably been 4 months or so.

Anyway thanks and I am just glad all is right in the world again haha
When the temps start getting this low, the oil thickens and really sucks the life out of the batterys fast.
I have started mine in 22 degrees F with no problems:confused2:

Starts like any other day......:ummm:

Do I need to be knocking on wood or counting lucky stars or something???
or kyle thanking the vmax gods for that wicked musical symphony lol
+1 on the tender. Mine ticks over with no issues. It was down into the teens here a couple of weeks ago and the bike started right up. You really need a good charge to crank it over though when its that cold. If your battery is on its way out, you'll be sunk.

I think you should consider a new $80.00 battery and a new $20.00 trickle charger. You'll be as good as new.
I have started mine in 22 degrees F with no problems:confused2:

Starts like any other day......:ummm:

Do I need to be knocking on wood or counting lucky stars or something???
You runnin baby oil? I know a guy that did that. No ****! He said it freed up power for racing.
We ran'm, thats how I got one of these. Another confirmed kill.


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I have the charger no prob.
Battery, I was just about to say it is less than a year old...but just realized that was for my magna, the max for all I know could have the same damn battery it came with (2003), I know it still has the same front tire lol, I have a new one just waiting to put it on.

You runnin baby oil? I know a guy that did that. No ****! He said it freed up power for racing.
We ran'm, thats how I got one of these. Another confirmed kill.

No baby oil......just whatever the stealership put in it :confused2: