I was wondering with the things that people can make nowadays with plasma cutters just good old welders and knowledge, I was wondering if it would be possible to have a center stand made for a Gen 2.
Every Gen 1 I had I used them religiously and I love them. At first it took a little bit to get used to, once you get the hang of it to me they were better than apple pie I always felt that my bike was secure when it was on the center stand. I even came out on the hot hundred and 1° day in Houston Texas and my center stand had sunken about an inch and a half into the asphalt but it was still standing it was a bit tricky getting it out of asphalt but they work pretty good. Of course I have aftermarket exhaust so that would add an extra problem but I was just wondering if somebody was good enough and had the knowledge if it could be done.
Every Gen 1 I had I used them religiously and I love them. At first it took a little bit to get used to, once you get the hang of it to me they were better than apple pie I always felt that my bike was secure when it was on the center stand. I even came out on the hot hundred and 1° day in Houston Texas and my center stand had sunken about an inch and a half into the asphalt but it was still standing it was a bit tricky getting it out of asphalt but they work pretty good. Of course I have aftermarket exhaust so that would add an extra problem but I was just wondering if somebody was good enough and had the knowledge if it could be done.