Well-Known Member
What about V4DEVL.
Ive always said the V-Max was like the Z28 Camaro of bikes.One day After getting my bike I looked at the plate and it read...
Like a Camaro on launch count down.
Ironic I should think.My Bike is NAMED "Cruise Missile" and I hadnt even thought of it as a plate yet!Good thinkin!
ha ha,you know how it is once you share with others its no longer yours.Keep it to yourself and no one else can enjoy it,or share it and of course have it stolen!Seems like nothinng can be "original"and "new" unless you patent it before you unveil it.
Guess great minds think alike, its ok VMAXCRUZER...we can share the name and therefore the 2 of us can defend eachothers genius!:rofl_200:
I'll sleep better at night knowing my western flank is covered by those two cruise missles!:worthy:Ain't that the truth. I think this country is big enough for two cruise missiles.
I'll cover Oregon and Washington, you take care of Cali.:rocket bike:
there's no hope for you.[/QUOTE]
THATS NOT NICE , NOW YOU SOUND LIKE MY MOTHER ! .. :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200: