The reason this country is going to hell is because people are caught up in the Hatfields vs McCoys(Dems vs Repubs) and don't realize that politicians are loyal to one color -- green. But that's what the oligarchs want. This country has been in landslide for some time and people think that somehow electing a member of *their* party is going to change things.... it's not. ALL politicians, Red or Blue, answer to the oligarchs, the money, NOT the people.
The 2012 elections saw the biggest numbers in campaign funding ever for both sides. Roughly 2 Billion dollars. 60% percent of all that money was provided by just 132 people.... think about that. And thanks to Citizens United and jokes of regulations on Super-PACs that's only going to get worse in future elections.
We live in an oligarchy, not a Republic. But America is too caught up in a stupid Red vs Blue war to see it.