Sad....... how a funny and obviously fake video turned this thread into a political slapping game, and by the members on here that pointed out how there is too much political bashing of Obama..... if your offended by the political talk.. DONT READ IT. Obama is president therefore jokes and insults will be directed towards him OBVIOUSLY, it was the same when every other president was in office... get over it
But the REAL issue here FROM THE BEGINNING was that a member here childishly referred to Dave as being pathetic because he/she had a chip on their shoulder about the politics that are discussed in this forum... umm havent ya noticed?? this forum seems to be made up of mostly people that have a shared dislike for where our government is heading.
Also...why is it that when the issue of Dave being rudely insulted is questioned(the offending party/parties) cant seem to comment back on it? but rather throw new sticks in the fire hoping to prod a more heated discussion....???
Funny video tho