Does anyone recognize this fairing on my bike I just bought. I'm waiting on info from the seller but he is getting ready for school and I'm sure is very busy.
I plan to remove it and don't want to mess with it unless I can see the installation instructions. This bike has those cool little signal lights on front and back and you can't even see them unless they are turned on, I was surprised at how they stick out when blinking. The front ones go through the fairing.
Back to my fairing question, does any one recognize who the manufacturer is ??
Does anyone recognize this fairing on my bike I just bought. I'm waiting on info from the seller but he is getting ready for school and I'm sure is very busy.
I plan to remove it and don't want to mess with it unless I can see the installation instructions. This bike has those cool little signal lights on front and back and you can't even see them unless they are turned on, I was surprised at how they stick out when blinking. The front ones go through the fairing.
Back to my fairing question, does any one recognize who the manufacturer is ??