Does aomeone in the forum have a 2015

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It is straight the best I can tell. I think it is just me not being use to a heavier Vmax leaning on a kickstand I always used the center stand on my Gen 1's .

I think it's me just being paranoid

here is the lean of my bike

And this....use the building to site off, it's plumb (I hope).

I would be very surprised if your kickstand got bent.....the triangular shape is an extremely strong design. Way, way stronger than the GenI.

I'd be surprised as well I think the kickstand hit square and let the spring relax long enough to come apart. I've replaced the entire spring and the piece it attaches to in case it bent also.

I hope it is good
I'm thinking when the bike dropped the kickstand jammed enough to relax the spring which is why the spring and the piece that holds it come off. To me the kickstand doesn't look bent, I hope it isn't and I sure don't want to spend $160 to replace it and see the same lean, you get what my concern is ?

I have always been a center stand guy so the kickstand may just make the bike appear to lean more, that is where my confusion is coming from.

I'm hoping more guys with Gen 2 look at the pic and say it looks like mine.

crossed fingers


Put your bike on the support you have, then put up the sidestand. Lay on your back and check out the spring/holder.
Is the spring stretched enough to keep the stand in the fully retracted position?
Does it require some effort to put the sidestand down?
If "yes" - your spring suffered no damage.
Then check to make sure there is no binding anywhere during the stand's arc of travel, and that the sidestand switch operates properly when the stand is in the down position.
As for the actual bike lean angle, when the sidestand is down -
This is all about compromise. All bikes are designed to have a proper lean when on a perfectly flat surface, but the real world is not like that.
For instance, I stop a lot to take photos. Most secondary roads have a sloped shoulder, to allow for drainage. In this instance, it's an advantage to have a steep lean angle, since the pad on the sidestand lands on higher asphalt than the tire footprints. The bike has a better chance of not toppling over, if I dismount.
On the other hand, you don't want to put your stand down into a depression, if you already have a steep lean angle, since the bike may go over.
Again, it's all about geometry, and in the case of a toppling bike, physics as well.
all three parts for the spring are brand new I just replaced them, new spring,new piece of metal that the spring connects to and the rubber sleeve.
Here are links of the pic's you wanted to see I am posting links so you can see them as big and in as much detail as you want.

I didn't request any pics, but thanks for including them.
Except for the rash on the frame, everything looks dandy to me, Ron.
Relax, don't fret about that sidestand failing, and start riding that monster just as soon as you can!:punk:
Thanks for your help and encouragement Miles !!! been up all night so going to try and get some sleep. I'll PM you something.
[FONT=&quot]Still I appreciate it very much !!!!

It was a long day and night last night, when I get my mind on something I then to get focused and basically keep going without any concept of time. The my body reminds me hey! fool you need sleep once in a

I want to thank everyone who helped me with this kickstand issue, it is OK not a problem it just seems that my 2015 Vmax seems a whole lot bigger and heavier than my last Vmax which was a 2007. Every Vmax I owned I have always use3d the center stand, when I bought aftermarket pipes I always tried to buy the ones I could keep my center stand. There may have been a few that it wasn’t possible. I have been looking at lowering the Vmax and I got some good advice from Sean, Miles and another person who’s forum name I believe is trimax. After all night last night reading everything I could you have to take the whole Vmax apart and change the link and you gain 1” I’m not going to do that. I might do something with the seat if I can work things out. BUT THANK YOU VERY MUCH ALL OF YOU who helped me during this time of researching and reading about lowering the Vmax.[/FONT]
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No thanks necessary for the photos was nothing, really. :rofl_200:

Thank you very much, I'm dealing with some forum issues since there were a few that found it to be a sport to follow everyone of my posts and make fun of me. I didn't see a reply button after your pic that you posted. I was going to thank everyone as I did. But I see you are a bit pissed so i found if I quote you then I can reply so
thank you very much for the picture you posted. I just ask for a bit of patience, with the stuff I have been dealing with I am having some issues because some have been added to my ignore list and as far as I know you are not otherwise I wouldn't see your post.

Thank you again for the picture.