It has a drain plug but it's a pain in the butt to reach. Pulling the gas tank to clean it isn't difficult, do a search on here for the subject, or look at the factory manual, also here.
Not sure as to why you are emptying the tank, if it's to remove suspected dirty gas, or stale gas, then Max Midnight's suggestion is a good one. If it's to prepare to remove the gas tank, for a cleaning and sealing, then one it's removed, it's easy to access the gas drainplug. You can disconnect the tank and remove it with some gas in the tank, as the siphon for the carburetors' supply is from the top of the tank (point of connection, for the gas tubing).
I've used my pressure washer to scour the gas tank, before doing any interior chemical stripping of rust, varnish, or whatever. I've had good results using cleaning vinegar (should be available in your local food store, it's typically ~6% concentration, much-higher than food grade) in the tank for several days. If you choose to do this, be sure to remove the fuel level sender! Fabricate a block-off plate for the fuel level sender from a piece of steel strap, use the OEM sender, and just mark the holes to-drill onto the steel strap. A piece of gasket material to provide a seal between the strap and the tank, or some type of automotive sealant smeared on the strap to seal the bolt holes and the oval hole for the tower of the fuel sender mechanism is needed to prevent the blank-off plate from peeing-out any of the solvent you use to clean the tank. I've even used an old piece of inner tube as gasket material.