Driver allegedly painting nails, kills motorcyclist

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Unbelievable, and they wrote her a TICKET? JFC.

Illinois is Outlaw territory isn't it? Someone ought to forward them that broads address.
We did a large group ride for her to her wake yesterday about 200 or so bikes. Fox news was there to report our cause to bring awareness about this issue. Its a sad thing that all she got was a slap on the hand for this. Heres a comment her Lawyer had about it today.

Attorney: Distracted driving is not illegal
By Jo Ann Hustis - [email protected]

NAPERVILLE – As of now, distracted driving is not against the law, says Lora L. Hunt’s attorney, Ragan Freitag.

“I know there’s been some discussion about that,” Freitag said Thursday. “I believe something is in the works right now. I think it would be a great idea, but (to form an opinion), I’d have to read the whole details of the bill.”

Hunt, 48, of Goose Lake Township, was cited with failure to reduce speed after her auto rear-ended motorcyclist Anita S. Zaffke, 56, of Lake Zurich, Saturday on U.S. 12 in Wauconda.

Zaffke was killed in the accident. The Lake County Sheriff’s Department report notes Hunt told deputies she was painting her fingernails at the time and did not see the motorcycle stopped at the traffic signal with Old McHenry Road.

Some jurisdictions have banned activities like talking on a cell phone while driving. Freitag believes many other jurisdictions are moving toward similar bans.

The next step, then, is a ban on text messaging while operating a vehicle.

“But, I don’t know how they can outlaw every possible little thing, or even like yelling at your children or eating in the car. There’s a million things you can do in a vehicle – a million things you can do while sitting down,” Freitag said.

“Then there’s the whole problem of before you can cite someone for doing these things, you have to observe them at it. It’s going to be a long process.”

Despite all the area and national media attention the case has gained, including an editorial earlier this week in the Chicago Tribune, Freitag does not believe the incident has been blown out of proportion.

“Not really,” she said. “There is a problem today with distracted driving. People are talking on their cell phones, texting, applying makeup, yelling at their kids, eating in the car.

“I do understand why this wasn’t brought up before - why it’s being brought up now as a huge issue. This stuff happens all the time, and it’s very sad and very unfortunate.”

Freitag said her client is completely aware of that, which is probably why the incident is being blown up.

“I do know my client is really upset,” Freitag said. “She’s really distraught right now. Her thoughts and prayers are going out to the family.”

The media is making a big issue of the incident, the attorney noted.

“The media is the only one making a bigger deal of this right now. This is a big deal – don’t get me wrong. Right now, there aren’t any further charges,” Freitag said.

“I’m definitely not going to say the Lake County state’s attorney is making a bigger deal out of this, or making (Hunt) an example. They’re going to do what they need to do, and I’m going to represent (Hunt) the best I can.”

Lake County State’s Attorney Michael Waller did not return phone requests for comment.

However, the Chicago Tribune editorial noted a month could go by before other possible charges are decided. Some of the wait is for blood and urine test results, and the accident reconstruction report, the editorial added.

A registered nurse since 1995 and the mother of five children, Hunt was returning from her daughter’s home in Delavan, Wis., at the time of the incident.

“Visiting her daughter and taking care of her granddaughter. She was taking her daughter’s baby crib to her other daughter in DesPlaines, who is about to have (Hunt’s) seventh grandchild,” Freitag said.

“That’s what she was doing. She was just visiting her daughters and grandkids.”

Freitag understands Zaffke’s family is hurting.

“And so is my client, as well,” Freitag pointed out. “She’s extremely, extremely upset about what has happened.”

People have to realize, however, that every day people are talking on the phone, texting, eating and such while driving, she said.

“These are things we do every day, and people have to be aware of that,” Freitag said. “These are things that happen every day. People need to remember that – it happens every day.”

Hunt is to appear in Lake County Court at 9 a.m. Monday, June 8, on the traffic ticket. Freitag will represent her in court.

“I assume she’ll be with me,” said her attorney.
That is bad .

Its almost like what happened over here , some overseas tourists were driving around the south island and while driving on the wrong side of the road came around a corner and collected a rider with pillion on back killing the rider and seriously injurying the pillion passenger .
There was alot of outrage here as the tourist driving lost their international license for 6 months ( i think ) and received a fine .
I can remember 1 of the main papers here with the headline "Whats a motorcyclists life worth - 6 months "

People have to realize, however, that every day people are talking on the phone, texting, eating and such while driving, she said.

“These are things we do every day, and people have to be aware of that,” Freitag said. “These are things that happen every day. People need to remember that – it happens every day.”

That.... Is ******* ********. People need to get their heads out of thier ***** and pay attention to other people on the roads. End of ******* story. Do not pass go... Do not collect $200.

Well, she actually did get off with more than a fine. She has to wake up every day for the rest of her life and think, hey, im a stupid bitch, i was painting my fingernails and killed someone because im such a stupid bitch i wasnt watching the road. did i say stupid bitch?
Well, she actually did get off with more than a fine. She has to wake up every day for the rest of her life and think, hey, im a stupid bitch, i was painting my fingernails and killed someone because im such a stupid bitch i wasnt watching the road. did i say stupid bitch?

Nope. Not good enough.

State oughtta buy her a box and a rope.
Nope. Not good enough.

State oughtta buy her a box and a rope.

I have to wade in on this one.

When you are behind the wheel of a vehicle you are supposed to be in full control of that vehicle.

If you are painting your nails you are not in full control of that vehicle.

This is clearly negligent on the part of the driver.

This negligence directly contributed to the death of an innocent traveller.

The driver of the vehicle is clearly culpable in this case and should at least, AT LEAST, have a charge of involuntary manslaughter brought against her. :damn angry:
Nope. Not good enough.

State oughtta buy her a box and a rope.

Oh no ,no,no......

That's not how it works......

She will claim disabillity due to the mental stress and anguish of the incident and she will no longer have to work to support herself.....

Thereby being REWARDED for the our expense.....

I think it is high time for returning to wild west justice.....

The courts and laws and lawyers and politicians are way too screwed up:bang head:
Oh no ,no,no......

The courts and laws and lawyers and politicians are way too screwed up:bang head:

That is what we get for letting lawyers run for public office. I believe no member of the legal profession should be allowed to run for ANY elected office. Should get rid of most of the ridiculous laws enacted to fill the pockets of lawyers.
happens every day?! bull-*******-****! "all she was doing was visiting her daughters"..... WTF?! she was painting her nails while driving, which means she OBVIOUSLY wasn't keeping her eye on the road. at least she'll be able to visit her family, what about Zaffke’s family, huh?! they'll never be able to see her again. all those memories that could have been shared, spending time with HER children and grandchildren... no charges? she should be sent to prison for many years and then have to live out of a cardboard box upon released. NEVER to drive again!
I have to wade in on this one.

When you are behind the wheel of a vehicle you are supposed to be in full control of that vehicle.

If you are painting your nails you are not in full control of that vehicle.

This is clearly negligent on the part of the driver.

This negligence directly contributed to the death of an innocent traveller.

The driver of the vehicle is clearly culpable in this case and should at least, AT LEAST, have a charge of involuntary manslaughter brought against her. :damn angry:

Wow, I can't believe I'm gonna say this... :bang head:

I agree with Gleno. Involuntary manslaughter seems to be, at a minimum, the charge brought against the driver.
How about careless driving and vehiclular homicide? Both of these seem to fit this tragedy like a glove. That's one jury I'd like to sit on. Hope she has very good insurance.
You gotta operate like you're invisible. Nobody sees the motorcycle, ever. My left knee is testament to that. Thank God I had good insurance, the weiner who pulled out in front of me didn't even know that I missed his bumper by inches before piling it up on a brick wall. Obliviousness should be a crime.
My thoughts a prayers go out to this rider and her family and to all of us too.
Ride safe bros.
This is why I believe people should have to take a very difficult two year training course just to get a licesnse and then should have to get recertified at least every two years. Don't pass the recert? Lose you license. This would keep more morons from ever getting on the road and pull more morons off the road. The result being a less cogested and safer road system.
This is why I believe people should have to take a very difficult two year training course just to get a license and then should have to get re-certified at least every two years. Don't pass the recert? Lose you license. This would keep more morons from ever getting on the road and pull more morons off the road. The result being a less cogested and safer road system.

I believe re-certification of a licence on a periodic, cyclic basis would not work for this type of driver.

Re-testing and re-certification would correct skills deficiencies but would not make a considerate human being out of a selfish one.

In this instance, the driver, who I will call Ms. Make-up, was just being so unbelievably inconsiderate and selfish that nothing short of psycho-surgery would correct the behaviour.

Given that a selfish person is self-centred, imposing logical controls on their behaviour won't work. However, imposing EGO controls probably would. Fact is, ego controls work for almost everyone but the true sociopathic personality.

Background to Proposal

We have a system in our state that requires new drivers to display a tag next to the licence plate. This is a plate about five and a half inches square with a large upper case 'P' displayed on the face. This stands for 'Provisional' license holder and it is intended to let other motorists know that the driver is inexperienced and to take that into consideration when interacting with them on the road.

Drivers with less than 12 months experience are required to display a red 'P'. Any driving offence committed by these drivers leads to automatic loss of licence and they will have to undergo re-certification. Speed limits, number of passengers carried and zero alcohol also applies.

Drivers with over twelve months and less than 24 months are required to display a green 'P'. Restrictions are progressively eased.

It is an offence to drive without the tag displayed.

We also have a system that adds demerit points to a drivers licence if they commit traffic offences. If you accumulate enough of these your license is lost and you have to get re-certified and go through the whole provisional driver thing again. Demerit points for each particular driving offence are held on a license for a year before they are wiped off. Good driving will eventually clear the slate and zero your demerit points.

While this system allows a driver to know they have limits put on their behaviour and relies on them to exercise self-control, it does little to influence the behaviour of self-centred, self-absorbed individuals who are hidden from scrutiny by the anonymity of the present demerit point system. In other words, there is inadequate incentive to self-modify inconsiderate or careless behaviour.

Proposal for a Broader Implementation of the Driver Plate Display System.

I propose a non-discriminatory Driver Plate Point Display System that ALL drivers be required to display.

This plate is to be displayed next to, or adjacent to, their licence plate and will show the number of demerit points on the drivers licence. The tag acts as a publicly visible display of a drivers record.

This system provides a set of powerful behavioural incentives that serve to modify un-acceptable driving behaviour. It acts as an ego control and would provide incentives for a driver to self-modify their inappropriate driving behaviour.

By 'outing' ALL drivers under this system, the good drivers as well as the self-centred drivers who do not exercise proper control and consideration are easily identified.

For Ms. Make-up, the public and her peer group would also act as behaviour modifiers. Their view of Ms. Make-up is now inconsistent with her self image and she must must now work to re-balance the two by modifying her driving behaviour. Peer group pressure and public opinion are powerful influences of behavioural adjustment.

The tagged driver is presented with a message about the reality of their behaviour which is inconsistent and at odds with, their self-image. In order to re-balance their apparent reality with their self-image they have to modify their driving behaviour. (It might even cause a general modification to self-centred behaviour).

If it were properly applied (which it is not) the penalty system would allow a traffic cop to decide whether to;

a) give a warning.
b) give a ticket and apply loss of demerit points but no fine.
c) give a ticket and apply loss of demerit points and a fine.

In case b) the driver cited for an alleged offence can elect to appeal the demerit at traffic court.
In case c) the driver cited for an alleged offence can decide to;

a) pay a fine and not go to court or
b) go to traffic court, challenge the citation and have the judge/magistrate decide whether to impose a fine.

There are also better social outcomes from this form of behavioural management.

Unlike today's driver citation system, the driver plate tag display system would not be primarily a government revenue/tax collection exercise.

The poor do not necessarily have to be severely and disproportionately financially penalised by paying fines they can ill afford, but they would still have to display their demerit points.

The wealthy, who couldn't care less about the value of the fine, would receive a penalty that means something.

What does the forum think about this?
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perfect idea, will never happen


I love the idea that youve presented above, it is too good to ever happen in a country like this one though. It makes way too much sense, but what is this,youre gonna punish the rich with more money charges than the poor, Mitch McConnel will never go for that !!!