Thanks all for the great remarks, much appreciated!
One thing I did over the last week is go from this:
View attachment 78214
So it looks _much_ nicer now. Like almost all the things in this project, I build something and then redo it in a nicer way, trial and error. Must have built around 3 EFI systems by now

Besides the quick testdrive I did the day I uploaded the video, I`ve done some additional drives where I collected the logging on my phone. That I ran through megalogviewer (program on the PC) that can parse the logs from the Speeduino and correct the fuel map. The first run looked like this:
View attachment 78216
So the Air-fuel-rate is all over the place. After some optimizing, it looks like this:
View attachment 78215
So that`s already a lot better!
Today, I took the bike out for a 70 KM drive, and it ran almost perfect! Under cruising RPM`s it ran just like the bike with the carbs on. The high-RPM range still needed some tuning but I have the logs now so next run, that will likely also be fine!
Final picture is a nice Dutch one with the bike and some cows

. Pretty much the only thing giving away the conversion is the fuel regulator and the (still shabby) plates around the throttle bodies.
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I will continue to provide updates but it`s already a very driveable bike. Took it up to 125MPH no worries. Who said EFI couldn't be done?