As mentioned in the opening post, I would appreciate this topic to remain on-topic to record my build and focus on the technical details. The topic below could be used to continue the discussion if it would be worth it. My reasoning is in the opening post.
On-topic again: In a month, I will take the bike out for about a 1000KM drive, so need to make sure the electrics are water tight. For this, I needed to seal the O2 controller. First step was having a buddy of mine 3d print a casing:
Next, installed the O2 controller. To make sure the potting compound doesn't pour out, I used some liquid gasket to seal it:
After pouring the potting compound and leaving it to settle for 24 hours, it was sealed nicely!
And tied to the bike:
Also, I used some fuel line clamps it replace the ones you see on the lines on the picture above. This looks a lot more stock.

On the right, my current controller and housing are shown. On the left, the new one which has smaller components. Will install that after the trip I`m going to make.
So far, I`ve driven it for about 400KM, and it works just fine. No hickups or any issues whatsoever

. Tuning is still not done though and requires some more fine-tuning. When the final map is done, I will share it here. So for now, more riding is required. It`s a hard job but someone has to do it