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Dude that sucks!!!! Hopefully you live in a small enough town that you will eventually see this **** head again and be able to get his plate number and file against him...If nothing else give them the finger every time you see them (childish I know) Hope you heal up soon...
First, glad it wasn't any worse, you will heal w/no issues I trust. Too-bad no one got the info on the car. I am always watching out for that kind of behavior. You wouldn't want to try to stop anyone, just get close-enough to take a tag & call 911, and wait until the PD showed-up. "Leaving the scene of an accident w/injuries, rider ejected" is what you want to tell the dispatcher, after the tag # & direction the car is going. Common sense stuff. Following the driver could create a confrontation or result in you having an accident yourself. That's a judgement call every witness is going to have to face when the time comes.

Yes, unfortunately, whether in a car, truck, or on a mcy, you can probably count every day on having some bonehead (oops, sorry!) er, numbskull hazard you. Be vigilant and be careful.

I was in your general neck of the woods awhile ago. At the end of last summer I went to MI to Oxford township to visit my GM Design buddy from college in MI and while he has a good range of tools, he had never picked-up an air compressor. I searched CL until I found one for him in Burton, the other side of Flint from you. We took a ride over there & I paid for a used 20 gallon 110V Craftsman rollaround compressor for him. He has a CBR600F2 he commutes to Warren MI on when the weather is nice. He lives on a lake that backs-up to Bald Mountain State Recreational Area. We ride mountain bikes from his house onto the grounds of the state park, some great riding to be done.

Once while over there, he pointed to a cabin for rent in the park & asked, "know what happened there?"
"No," I replied.
"Jack Kevorkian had a customer who left this planet in that cabin," he said.
sorry to hear that man.. I literally just finished reading the sweet deal you got by trading your magna.. my first bike was an 84 sabre. Love the V4
Sorry to hear, heal fast Bro. I got to do a brake test twice Saturday. Crazy people, in a hurry, distracted by all kinds of ****, no slack for the 2 wheel people. Be carefull out there everybody.
Sounds too much like my 1986 story. Cager turns left in front of me. I locked up the rear and slid into her parallel trapping my right leg between bike and car. Haven't even made the first payment on the bike yet! Why me right? Bought the bike back from insurance company for $500 after the shop had written it up total loss due to high revs after total oil loss because side cover was puncture by brake lever. I recovered fine, repaired my own bike and ended up way ahead!
Hope you as well or better High Jack. What a welcome huh? Fastest Purple Heart in recent Vmax memory.
Glad to hear your OK! Up here in Sedona there have been 4 bike accidents this week alone. Two were fatal! These stupid cagers just do not look. :damn angry:
Saw the ortho doc today. The tibia is seperated from the joint, it requires surgery to repair. A plate and some screws to draw the bone back into position. Surgery is on monday.

This sucks.

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