I fail to see the point of it. If I want to "connect" with someone, I'll use the oh-so-antiquated technology of a cell phone, or go really old-school and send them an e-mail.
I don't feel the need to "share" my life with others. I wouldn't expect them to give a ****, just as in probably 99% of cases I don't give **** about the day-to-day minutiae of their lives, and don't see the need to waste MY life vicariously living YOURS through one line status updates and pictures of you at some random location.
Here's my guess of who uses facebook
50% college students looking to ****
25% attention-whore ******* with 10,000 "friends"
10% profiles for celebrities, fictional characters, or commercial products
10% post-menopause women going all "golden girls for the 21st century" because using a hot electronic medium makes them feel hip and young.
5% people with large families or lots of pseudo-friends. As in people you kind of know and are friendly with, but not close. You might send them a Christmas card, but wouldn't buy them a birthday present.
I have around 50 people in my cell phone, all of whom I have actually met. Maybe 10 of the numbers I regularly use. So I guess I'm a hermit? lol
The only online "social networking"(I ******* hate that term) I do is here at VMF.