I still wonder if my Vboost works ok. I don't really feel a difference at around 6000 rpm with it on or off. I've adjusted my cable, I've checked it visually and can see the valves open from 5750 onwards so I know it's working, but really the bike pulls just as strong around 6000 with or without it.
The only difference I can see is that with it off power fades from 6500 to 9500 rpm, whereas with it on it keeps getting stronger.
No kick in the ass though, the only real kick I got was when the bike was running poorly (on 2-3 cylinders) due to crap in the gas, and then picked up (all 4 again) around 5000+ :confused2:
I've ridden a couple of other people's Maxes and it was the same. :ummm: Maybe I'm just too blas? and spoilt by the kick in the arse I used to get from my big mono bikes - KLR650 and Pegaso 650.. I do like the way the Max flies though - gets way too fast so quickly, but I wish I could feel that kick and pee my pants too :rofl_200: