Ferguson MO Grand Jury

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The National Guard is activated , but not used on the night the verdict or lack of same , is issued. I think the Governor should be indicted for dereliction of duty to protect the citizens ; black , white , brown , yellow , whatever color is not rioting .


I think this forum is the only place I have heard actual, logical comments about this.

In my Fundamentals of Communication class yesterday, my grad student teacher brought this up, and the entire class talked about how bad police are, how the cop should've been charged, the looting, how she has to teach her two year old son not to wear hoodies or disrespect police or steal candy (and this cracked me up when she said because everybody else steals candy lol) how he should have been brought to a trial instead of a grand jury deciding his "fate" and on and on. No one mentioned racism, but it was clear the entire class thought it was racist. It was really sad and disappointing to watch this. And how do you argue with them? My mom always says, "you cannot argue with an idiot." It's not that hard when we have the internet to spend a little bit of time to research the facts and come to the right decision. And worse yet, it really comes down to the media. They are the ones who have blown this issue into a huge debacle.

Yep yep.
I think this forum is the only place I have heard actual, logical comments about this.

In my Fundamentals of Communication class yesterday, my grad student teacher brought this up, and the entire class talked about how bad police are, how the cop should've been charged, the looting, how she has to teach her two year old son not to wear hoodies or disrespect police or steal candy (and this cracked me up when she said because everybody else steals candy lol) how he should have been brought to a trial instead of a grand jury deciding his "fate" and on and on. No one mentioned racism, but it was clear the entire class thought it was racist. It was really sad and disappointing to watch this. And how do you argue with them? My mom always says, "you cannot argue with an idiot." It's not that hard when we have the internet to spend a little bit of time to research the facts and come to the right decision. And worse yet, it really comes down to the media. They are the ones who have blown this issue into a huge debacle.

You know, what you are dealing with is just pure ignorance. Even if you watch "Law and Order" you should know that a grand jury is convened first, and IF the grand jury INDICTS.....THEN it goes to trial. Plus the rules for for indictment are less strenuous, than for a jury trial.
Not surprising a grad class thinks ( big word ) this way. They have been taught in government schools for 16 years . Unless the parents ( plural ) , work for a living , pay taxes , obey the law , spend time with their children , read newspapers and books and listen to more than just the mainstream media , ie Fox news , Breitbart news , The Blaze etc. . there is more than a good chance the students think liberal , as they hear it almost every day from their " learned " teachers , who grade them on their responses to questions and tests.

Once they get out in the real world , it usually takes them some time to realize most of what they were taught , doesn't work , both figuratively and literally.
Needs more pitchers:












Just some brutal, cold, hard facts in these links folks. Nothing to see here. Move along. /sarcasm

Yup, only knowledge & enlightenment available here.....neither being a big seller these days!

Saw on the news last night there was a 'protest' in Albany yesterday involving a bunch of U of Albany students....they blocked off Washington Ave. (that in itself is an extremely dangerous move, given the Capitol City road rage and all). Not clear on whether it was over the Ferguson decision on the NYC Grand Jury decision on the choke hold death....or maybe both...:confused2: The newscaster asked one black kid what their objective was, he replied, "They don't respect us." :blink000:

Huh? Respect? :ummm: I was always taught you don't demand respect...you earn respect. Has that changed?.............:confused2:
Huh? Respect? :ummm: I was always taught you don't demand respect...you earn respect. Has that changed?.............:confused2:

Years ago when I was still on an ambulance....one of my old partners was kind of a f*ck-up. So one day I talked to the supervisor about him. The supervisor looked at me....and said..."You know....he's just a really good kid." I looked at the supervisor and asked..."You know, 20 years ago at 18 you were considered an adult. You got married, voted, went to collage, or got a trade. So at 18 you were an adult, and now at 25....your still considered a kid....when did that change?"

He couldnt answer me, and turned and walked away.
Unfortunately people dont wanna know the truth.

No they don't! But the real truth is....it's not a perfect world, 10 witnesses will have 10 different viewpoints (maybe more if one of them has multiple personality disorder). Did Brown have his hands up? Some say he did, some say he didn't....autopsies conflict. Was the choke hold recipient in NYC surrendering, resisting or trying to tell the arresting officers he couldn't breathe? Again, nobody knows for sure.

Now we get to the truth part....did Brown rob something from the convenience store? Did he grab or threaten the owner when the guy tried to stop him? There is video evidence that suggests he did. Was the choke hold guy selling cigarettes illegally? It seems that he was....both of these individuals attracted police attention while performing illegal acts....did they deserve to lose their lives for their transgressions? No, of course not, but when situations go off the rail....they do so in a hurry, and the outcome is uncertain at best.

I believe both those guys would be alive today had they been behaving in a law-abiding, responsible manner.....which is the way to earn respect, btw.
No they don't! But the real truth is....it's not a perfect world, 10 witnesses will have 10 different viewpoints (maybe more if one of them has multiple personality disorder). Did Brown have his hands up? Some say he did, some say he didn't....autopsies conflict. Was the choke hold recipient in NYC surrendering, resisting or trying to tell the arresting officers he couldn't breathe? Again, nobody knows for sure.
No video - at least none have surfaced - of the Brown killing. So yes, there is lots of room to question exactly what were the chain of events that took place.
But in the N.Y.death, there is a crystal clear video, complete with sound. The police obviously overstepped their authority. The guy was not resisting, unless you consider "keep your hands off me" to be resistance.
Which is what the police should have done in the first place, instead of tackling him. Perhaps with drawn sidearms and/or pepper-spray, stepping back a few paces, and tell him to get on the sidewalk with his hands behind his back, for cuffing. My guess is that they were intimidated by his size, expecting him to not surrender peacefully, and.... that he was black.
Hopefully, the evidence presented to the "Grand Jury" will be made public, and we can see why they decided that there wasn't sufficient cause that could lead to a conviction, during a jury trial. Now that will be interesting reading!
No they don't! But the real truth is....it's not a perfect world, 10 witnesses will have 10 different viewpoints (maybe more if one of them has multiple personality disorder). Did Brown have his hands up? Some say he did, some say he didn't....autopsies conflict. Was the choke hold recipient in NYC surrendering, resisting or trying to tell the arresting officers he couldn't breathe? Again, nobody knows for sure.
No video - at least none have surfaced - of the Brown killing. So yes, there is lots of room to question exactly what were the chain of events that took place.
But in the N.Y.death, there is a crystal clear video, complete with sound. The police obviously overstepped their authority. The guy was not resisting, unless you consider "keep your hands off me" to be resistance.
Which is what the police should have done in the first place, instead of tackling him. Perhaps with drawn sidearms and/or pepper-spray, stepping back a few paces, and tell him to get on the sidewalk with his hands behind his back, for cuffing. My guess is that they were intimidated by his size, expecting him to not surrender peacefully, and.... that he was black.
Hopefully, the evidence presented to the "Grand Jury" will be made public, and we can see why they decided that there wasn't sufficient cause that could lead to a conviction, during a jury trial. Now that will be interesting reading!

Well there you go, the media steers things, the video shown on the news last night had no sound and him pushing the cops hands away appeared to be the prelude to a confrontation...quite possible he was in respiratory distress or the beginnings of a cardiac event, apparently he suffered from both....:confused2:
How many of you heard that the prosecuting attorney in Ferguson case, intentionally presented the jurors with set of rules about about fleeing suspects and what course of action was permissible by the police? Come to find out, that rules she presented to the jury had been outdated and deemed unconstitutional by the grand jury years ago.

This was no mistake people. She knew that if you present the wrong set of rules into the juror's minds, you can get the decision that was needed.

Now don't get me wrong.. Brown should not have robbed the store in the 1st place. I can't stand thieves either. I believe in working for what you want.

The problem is, there are far too many, so called "White Collar" crimes, committed by people that ruin thousands of people. Stealing their life-long savings, destroying entire families, causing innocent people who's worked all their lives, into the gutters.

Now ask yourself, what do these people get for stealing millions / billions IF THEY ARE CAUGHT?

Let's tally it up..

3 meals a day?
cable TV?
A warm bed to sleep in?
A library to read in?
Free Gym membership?
Even marriage now days?
All, off our ever increasing tax dollars.

They get all this, but not once, have I heard them being SHOT for their crimes!
How many of you heard that the prosecuting attorney in Ferguson case, intentionally presented the jurors with set of rules about about fleeing suspects and what course of action was permissible by the police? Come to find out, that rules she presented to the jury had been outdated and deemed unconstitutional by the grand jury years ago.

They get all this, but not once, have I heard them being SHOT for their crimes!

I havent heard about that....I will have to look that one up.

Your right....they dont get shot, but I havent ever heard of them beating a cop and then charging him either. It seems that people that do white collar crimes surrender peacefully.

When I first heard of this incident several months back, and it was on the news that Brown was shot 6-7 times, I looked at my step mother and I said..."For a cop to shoot someone that many times...he was scared". Usually its twice...and thats it.
Your right....they dont get shot, but I haven't ever heard of them beating a cop and then charging him either.
True.. I wish there was video to see really took place there. multi-witnesses with multi-versions of what happened.

I no longer take what's said in the news, as 100% accurate. A childhood friend was accidentally shot and killed while hanging out at another friend house.. Granted, they were all young teenagers and should have known better than to fool around with the fathers firearm.
All this information was given to the police and the news truck when it pulled up.

Later that night on TV, the news reporter called it a "gang related" shooting. I guess the truth was not sensational enough.. We all were like,, WTF??

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