The National Guard is activated , but not used on the night the verdict or lack of same , is issued. I think the Governor should be indicted for dereliction of duty to protect the citizens ; black , white , brown , yellow , whatever color is not rioting .
I think this forum is the only place I have heard actual, logical comments about this.
In my Fundamentals of Communication class yesterday, my grad student teacher brought this up, and the entire class talked about how bad police are, how the cop should've been charged, the looting, how she has to teach her two year old son not to wear hoodies or disrespect police or steal candy (and this cracked me up when she said because everybody else steals candy lol) how he should have been brought to a trial instead of a grand jury deciding his "fate" and on and on. No one mentioned racism, but it was clear the entire class thought it was racist. It was really sad and disappointing to watch this. And how do you argue with them? My mom always says, "you cannot argue with an idiot." It's not that hard when we have the internet to spend a little bit of time to research the facts and come to the right decision. And worse yet, it really comes down to the media. They are the ones who have blown this issue into a huge debacle.
Yep yep.