Float bowl vent lines

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I remember the conversation that you had with another member here....and you said that you spoke to a "guru" on here.....who had blown up 3 vmaxs in under 10000 miles....so obviously it was possible to get one. I spoke to that guru when I bought up a frame from him. Actually he blew them up because he was riding them too hard....wheelies.....etc. he admitted that they blew up due to how he was riding them. He also said that he only knew of one vmax that had bad rings. They were improperly gapped and ate the cylinder in under 1500 miles.

Learning is a good thing.....but when your convinced that your right no matter what......a lot of misinformation can be spread. That is a bad thing.

I think this thread has been hijacked enough.

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Looks like #10 & #12 that were written by you were off the subject.
The only misinformation i am reading is your belief that i am convinced i am right no matter what. I am stating my experiences and apparently not intitled to do so.
I also tried keeping this thread on the subject of the air vent hoses.
The only thing I'm going to say about this is. That even when the hoses are in the stock location if something happens that would cause gas to come out of them the gas is not going to be in the air box.

Well I ended up mounting them to the front carbs at the top front diaphragm screws. Clears everything and can't be seen.and even looks right.

Now how do you unmelt a wiring harness?
I guess it depends on how bad it is? A wire or 2....I would just replace.....if it is quite a lot.....I would post in the parts wanted section for a vmax wiring harness. Either 85 thru 89 or 90 and up. I pick up one before for under 50 dollars. That way you can replace the whole thing....or just replace a few pieces and have the correct wire and ends.

Sent from my SCH-R890 using Tapatalk
It would appear that the po had a stator melt down that fused several wires randomly throughout the harness. My son found a nib oem harness online for $110.00 and bought it for me! Welcome back from Afghanistan I guess.Last week I found a bad vboost servo luckily captainkyle has one.(Thanks again captainkyle I just asked the wife if it was done she said crap! And went into her office I think she's doing it now.) next.. Stator and rectifier.
My sons still in. I'm out.he'll be out in March maybe. He's thinking about another go around. not sure his wife's going to see it his way.