Fogging up?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2012
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Anyone else deal with those cool mornings, where your face shield fogs up each time you slow down at a light?

I have to keep popping the shield up a touch to let in a little more air to evap. the fog.

What method do you use to keep things clear?
Rain X on the inside of your shield , it's the shiznit, and they have it in wipes now too
Picking some up today.. thanks guys.. what a PITA when you cant see till you're moving 20+ MPH..
Not going to work has helped a lot. Much better than my wife's idea wich was to stop breathing, wich I suppose would work also.
Many years ago someone told me to cut a potato in half and rub the raw ends on the inside of the face shield....all I ended up with was a greasy shield that smelled like the garbage cans outside a McDonalds! :bang head:

They didn't have RainX back then! :blink000:
Much better than my wife's idea wich was to stop breathing, wich I suppose would work also.

Oh ****.!!!! :rofl_200:

Now that's messed up...:rofl_200:
My Shoei RF1200 came with a pinlock insert. It works pretty well, but still fogged when I stopped at traffic lights (in December.) I think I am going to try the FogX.
That is awesome and makes perfect sense as to why it works. Have you used this personally? I think my visor/helmet are already pinlock ready and I hate when my visor fogs up on cool mornings.


I don't really need it here in Southern California. I have a Shoei RF 800 with an opening lever that is preset to crack the visor a bit to clear any breath fogging. It only happens sitting at a light. There is a "T" venting system that clears the visor as soon as I am moving.

I think you should try the PINLOCK system for yourself and decide.
$30-40 bucks for the kit.... about what I spend on a sushi lunch :)

There was also a kit from Fog City about half the price. It is a universal design to retrofit into any helmet faceshield

I don't really need it here in Southern California. I have a Shoei RF 800 with an opening lever that is preset to crack the visor a bit to clear any breath fogging. It only happens sitting at a light. There is a "T" venting system that clears the visor as soon as I am moving.

I think you should try the PINLOCK system for yourself and decide.
$30-40 bucks for the kit.... about what I spend on a sushi lunch :)

There was also a kit from Fog City about half the price. It is a universal design to retrofit into any helmet faceshield

Thanks for the info!