Sweet, I raided with my Priest, but really got into PVP on my Hunter, Mage and my second Priest. My Hunter was #50 on the server back in the day when they had rankings for PVP'ers. I ended up having 4 lvl 80's and of my 10 characters my lowest was a lvl 40 Druid. I think I had 7 players +70...
I know if I start Diablo III I'll be hooked, I have a buddy at work that has all of his character slots filled with level 85, has raided end game content since he hit 60 with Rouge and at one point this past year his 10 man Horde raid group had several world firsts! His Rouge (Silentpoison) dps is between 50 and 100K, depending on the fight! It was a lot of fun but I don't have much of a appetite for it these days.