Well-Known Member
Hey guy's aren't the front STOCK springs an even spaced wined from one end to the other? Progressive are tight at one end and wider at the other.
what and how much of a spacer you guys use with the race tech springs??? they are a lot shorter, or at least the ones i got. not installed yet.
I ask because I to am installing the Ricor intiminators and planned on using the stock springs as recommended instead of my progressive, after searching for hours I couldn't and still can't find my stockers:bang head: I got a set from a buddy to install. When I picked them up I thought they were after market because of the staged coils. I could of sworn my stockers were equal all the way down. probably mistaken.
OK so I'm tossed now between what springs to install. Guess I could try the stock ones and switch later on to see what the difference is. Ricor said the best benefit was with stock. Thoughts?
I'd go with the what Ricor recommends and use the stock springs. It saves you from buying aftermarket springs.
Well it looks like I have a test lab.:eusa_dance:
Please do tell after your swap. I'm not even road worthy for at least 3 months but Id like your feed back on the difference.
I believe the stockers are all progressive wound. I put in new Progressive springs in last weekend and found then to be about 1/2 inch shorter than the ones I removed. I liked the way my bike handled though (new rear's too) No air and 15w oil.
Race tech w/ gold emulators on the ' 90 are an excellent upgrade from my 18 year old stock springs. I wouldn't waste the time on stock springs again , even with the Ricors . How old are the stock springs you have ? Did Ricor recommend using old stock springs or are they assuming you have some newer stock springs ?Chris is correct, the factory spring are very weak progrissvely wound springs, they are so weak because they are counting on the air bladders to make up for the difference. I installed race tech springs with ricor intiminator and would never go back.
trying to figure out what oil to go with on my 1" lowered springs myself. howd u feel about 15w? most things i've read progressive says to go with stock (which is 10w)...