Fuel from needle jet at idle? WTH????

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I believe it was Steve-o that said he wouldn't be able to sleep and sean said-
The Vmax already has all four positive wires joined from the same source. The ground side is triggered by the box to close the circuit and release the energy from the coil.
So if they were wired backwards it is confusing the control box.
It seems to me like it could be one of his symptoms.
There are some cops that will open the Vboost LATE.....but thats it, and people arent certain why. The only ECU that has had problems with Unresistored COPS is the dynatek units. There is a + and -. I dont know what Blax means about confusing the fire.

no worries there. Im using an ignitech, not a stock tci. the usual concerns with cop on a max/venture dont apply here as the ignitech runs them "as is".

building my own cops was electronics 101 simple for me. no problems there.

ingitech: dwell set to auto, vboost control enabled.

Im lean, im sure of it. that's why vboost isnt having much effect when i do get a vhance to wring its neck. its just sucking hind tit everywhere. its also why ive gotwhat i call "lean chug" on throttle apploication and why i can reduce it by richening the mixture screws.

to address the other comments the carbs are seated, boots are new, clamps are tight. good conssiderations, but already been there.

vboost never comes into the equation as im tuning in low rpm and cruise.

trauma's comment on mixture screws influencing up to approx 1/4 throttle is bang on.

i have the throttle marked so i know im never over 1/4 since thats the circuit im working on.

this ain't my first rodeo......but these carbs are giving me one hell of a run for my money!

alright, this now i know this damned thing is ******* with me!

level the bike (at the carb throat flanges), check the wet level with the bike cold and its down around 20-24 mm.

gank the carbs out and split the rack. level the carbs and bench check the wet level: between 16-18mm across all 4 carbs!


thats at 1.125 dry float setting.

:bang head:

I'm at half a mind to set it at the 14mm +/- 0.5 mm the venture manual calls for just for the hell of it. its about the only thing i haven't tried yet......
Do you have the right needles in your carb seats? Are those needles' rubber tips in good shape & do they properly shut off the flow of fuel when the floats rise up to close the flow off - as evidenced by simply trying to blow into each carbs' inlet with it tipped upside down?

Is, by chance, your fuel pump building so much pressure as to force fuel past the tested, and good needle/seats?

There seems, to me, to be only so many choices when confronted with float levels that seem to constantly change on you.
Do you have the right needles in your carb seats? Are those needles' rubber tips in good shape & do they properly shut off the flow of fuel when the floats rise up to close the flow off - as evidenced by simply trying to blow into each carbs' inlet with it tipped upside down?

Is, by chance, your fuel pump building so much pressure as to force fuel past the tested, and good needle/seats?

There seems, to me, to be only so many choices when confronted with float levels that seem to constantly change on you.

yep, float needles are right for these carbs. as previously mentioned, these are steel tips (not rubber) on the needles. these are venture carbs, not max carbs. Ive verified these are the right needles for the seats by parts numbers.

83-85 venture were the steel tips, 86-93 were "rubber". max were all rubber.

invert the body and blow into the inlet and they're shut off tight. At least i cant blow them off thier seats with any kind of normal pressure.

pump builds pressure with a few clicks and shuts off when it deadheads, as per normal....
LOL....you didnt realize that what you copied and pasted....is EXACTLY the link that I posted.....

So.....where in there did I say about not being able to sleep? Please show me....

Read the post before-
It's not a pissing match Eric, I'm trying to help the guy with his bike.
I certainly DID realize that I copied YOUR post as that is what you asked for-
Can we get back to helping him instead of trying to solve your personal problems?

Sorry for the hi-jack Great White.
My point is that the coils wires from the cops to the connectors could be backwards and damaging as it says in Erics' post I reposted.
that was interesting.

raised a float and checked the wet setting.

went from 16.5-17 to 16mm even.

checked dry float height and works out to 1.057

thats interesting, very interesting.....
Read the post before-
It's not a pissing match Eric, I'm trying to help the guy with his bike.
I certainly DID realize that I copied YOUR post as that is what you asked for-
Can we get back to helping him instead of trying to solve your personal problems?

Sorry for the hi-jack Great White.
My point is that the coils wires from the cops to the connectors could be backwards and damaging as it says in Erics' post I reposted.

as mentioned, not a problem in my setup. either the resistance or the + or - issue.
i think im going to try and split the difference in float level specs.

venture manual calls for 14mm +- 0.5, max is 16mm and the forum preference seems to be for 17 mm.

well, 17mm appears to be too lean for these particular carbs.

less than 15mm has been proven to start bleeding around the slide needles.

Im going to shoot for 15.5-16 mm and see what happens. paying attention to wet levels only now as thats where the rubber hits the road. i'll check dry levels for curiosities sake only.

frankenbikes.......sheesh. great once dialed in, nightmare to get them there......
Read the post before-
It's not a pissing match Eric, I'm trying to help the guy with his bike.
I certainly DID realize that I copied YOUR post as that is what you asked for-
Can we get back to helping him instead of trying to solve your personal problems?

Sorry for the hi-jack Great White.
My point is that the coils wires from the cops to the connectors could be backwards and damaging as it says in Erics' post I reposted.

What I asked for was a post of where You said........that I said that I couldnt sleep.

My Personal Problems?:ummm:

Yes, I read the post before.....when you couldnt find it.....it must have been Steve that said it...
What I asked for was a post of where You said........that I said that I couldnt sleep.

My Personal Problems?:ummm:

Yes, I read the post before.....when you couldnt find it.....it must have been Steve that said it...
i think im going to try and split the difference in float level specs.

venture manual calls for 14mm +- 0.5, max is 16mm and the forum preference seems to be for 17 mm.

well, 17mm appears to be too lean for these particular carbs.

less than 15mm has been proven to start bleeding around the slide needles.

Im going to shoot for 15.5-16 mm and see what happens. paying attention to wet levels only now as thats where the rubber hits the road. i'll check dry levels for curiosities sake only.

frankenbikes.......sheesh. great once dialed in, nightmare to get them there......

Sounds logical gw-keep us posted.
i think im going to try and split the difference in float level specs.

venture manual calls for 14mm +- 0.5, max is 16mm and the forum preference seems to be for 17 mm.

well, 17mm appears to be too lean for these particular carbs.

less than 15mm has been proven to start bleeding around the slide needles.

Im going to shoot for 15.5-16 mm and see what happens. paying attention to wet levels only now as thats where the rubber hits the road. i'll check dry levels for curiosities sake only.

frankenbikes.......sheesh. great once dialed in, nightmare to get them there......

Wow...thanks for the info, I wouldnt have thought it.
so, maybe its because these are very early 83 carbs and may have some production differences from later years (possibly the diffence in the float needles) but they dont seem to conform to anything in the forum recommendations. either casting marks dry measurements.



equals a 0.979 dry measurement and gives 16.1 mm wet on the bench.

carb stickies give 1.115 for roughly 16 mm wet and 1.125 for 17mm wet.


we"ll see what happens wfen i get it back on the bike...